Feel like giving

While on vacation I did do just a little more tatting than mentioned before: I made a bookmark for one of the friends that we went with. She likes pink (a lot) and I happened to have some pink and teal thread with me, so made up a quick bookmark for her.

A very quick bookmark as most of it won’t be seen. Yes, I made it for her Nook. Every book should have a bookmark, shouldn’t it? (Her husband didn’t get it at all). It fits behind the Nook in the case and stays quite nicely. She and I are happy with it no matter how silly it may seem.

I only took a few stitches while we were here – above 12,000 feet it was windy and quite chilly. This is the divide at Tincup pass. You have to take at least a four-wheel drive vehicle (motorcycles can make it, too, and ATVs) to get there. We made it up there on Friday, by way of St. Elmo. We had attempted to get to this pass on Thursday by way of the town of Tincup and Mirror Lake, but we got late a start. We didn’t want to try to get there – or down – in the dark!
This is the road to Tincup pass as it goes around Mirror Lake. You can see my husband concentrating in the rear view mirror. We were told that the road to the pass from here was like this or worse all the way. We aren’t that experienced with four-wheeling, so turned back while it was still daylight. (Note: we were told by an experienced person we met there that by Jeep it was 90 minutes to the pass from the lake, 30 minutes by ATV and 20 minutes by motorcycle.) Going up the other side from St. Elmo had some stretches that looked like this (or worse) but not as much of it. If we make it that way again we’re going to try to rent ATVs instead of a Jeep.
This Sunday at Church was LWML Sunday (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League). On this Sunday the women of the congregation do most of the jobs the men usually do, such as pass out bulletins, light the candles, do the collection. The ladies also sang the closing hymn as a choir. This is done once a year, as a way to let the rest of the congregation see what all the League has been doing. They collect sewing kits and school kits to be delivered to other countries, donate to the food bank, serve at fundraising dinners in the community, that type of thing. They also meet at least twice a month to work on quilts.
The quilts are tied quilts and not real fancy, but a lot of love goes into these (and they are very pleasing to the eye). They are displayed on the pews on LWML Sunday and then boxed up to be taken to Lutheran World Relief and Orphan Grain Train. Unfortunately, I don’t make it to the quilting days very often, though I would like to. We have a small church and there are only a few women that do this regularly. As you can see, even though they are few they do a lot of work. There is something like 40 quilts they’ve made to donate this year.
Seeing all those wonderful quilts to be given away, and also seeing the post over at Umi & Tsuru, I’ve gotten into a giving mood. So I’m going to pay it forward as well. The first three people to comment on this post will each receive a handmade gift from me. [I don’t promise how soon I’ll get it out 🙂 ]
As I sip my Wild Berry Zinger tea this morning for Tatting Tea Tuesday, I realize that it’s October again, which means my blogaversary is coming up. I think I’ll have a drawing for that in a week or so – after I think up what I’m going to do for it 🙂
“The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation” Corrie Ten Boom

Branson Vacation

Yes, I was traveling again, this time to Branson, Missouri with my sister. My husband doesn’t have as many days of vacation as I do so he had to stay home, making this a girls only trip. We had so much fun! My sister had ordered tickets for several things ahead of time, which meant that on the Showboat we had front row seats and for the Scenic Railway we were some of the very first to board. The days we went to Silver Dollar City were very nice temperature wise – we went Friday and Saturday mornings, the next day was hot and muggy by 8:00 AM. We didn’t have time to do nearly everything we would have liked to do, but we did do almost all the things we talked of doing. The one thing we didn’t do was get a tin type photo. The one evening we had the best opportunity we were hot and sweaty and I didn’t feel like it at all. But we are talking of doing it again in a year or two, maybe making it a family trip with all the kids and grandkids, so maybe we’ll get our pictures then.

I made sure I did some tipping (tatting-in-public) while we were there – okay, I wanted some pictures, too: ) This picture is while we were on the Branson Scenic Railroad, taken while we waited for the train to load. I actually did quite a bit of tatting on the train on the way back to the station. I had some very interested people watching me, none of them having seen shuttle tatting done before. I was quite happy to talk to them about one of my most favorite subjects.

We also found a quiet spot to take this picture at Silver Dollar City, which is an attraction just outside of Branson. Though there are a lot of amusement rides there, my sister and I went for the handcraft demonstrations and items there. We were a bit disappointed how few artisans we actually found on-site. After talking to some of the shop people there we found that the only time there are a lot more crafters is during their National Harvest Festival. We’d like to try to go back for that, but it won’t be this year.
As I mentioned, I did get some tatting done. It’s about a six-hour drive from where I live to Branson, Mo. – that’s not counting any stops you might make. As we weren’t in a hurry we made a few stops at places that interested us, so it took us closer to seven hours. I started on a bookmark on the way down – I made it long enough to make a bracelet but I had taken out all the findings from my tatting bag – and finished shortly after we got home. I ran out of thread right at the end and couldn’t make both ends the same without adding some to the shuttles, which I didn’t want to do. So I played around with it, finally settling on a tail/tassel using macramé.

We had a great time the entire trip. There is a lot I’ll be sharing with you in the coming weeks. Today I downloaded all the pictures from my camera while sipping my iced tea, which was just green tea with little Mango Peach MIO. Sipping my tea and finishing my bookmark is the only tatting I’ll be getting done today for Tatting Tea Tuesday. I have a few more ideas that I would like to do, and maybe some of it will be done for next week.

“If you come home as happy as you leave, you have had a good vacation”

Tipping On Tuesday

This morning I started Tatting Tea Tuesday with a glass of iced Refresh tea then headed into town for a few errands and a doctor appointment. I happened to arrive a little early so pulled out a shuttle, starting a butterfly to empty it. A lady sitting in the waiting room started asking some questions about what I was doing. I was very happyto talk to her about tatting. She asked what the end result was so I showed her my Heart’s Honor bookmark that I had just finished. She was quite impressed with it. She also asked about how you knew how to make something, if there were patterns. So I showed her the pattern of the Flag Pin. That’s where she saw the name of my blog, which really tickled her. Then her mother came out from her appointment and the daughter wanted me to show her what I was doing. For a few minutes there I had two very interested people to share tatting with. It was a very good morning.

This is what I worked on this week, at least when I could tat. I worked on this for over a week as there was so many other things to do. Including working on the pattern for it. The pattern is coming along pretty well, but every time I start on it I see something else I should probably do with it, to make it better. But it is much closer to being done.

If I can remember how to do it I’ll be posting the pattern for the Flag Pin I shared on this post, so keep an eye on the patterns over on the right. This was designed in a hurry but I haven’t had time to re-visit it to make it easier. But as Independence Day is approaching I thought I would share what I have in case someone else would like to make it for the holiday.

“All who would win joy, must share it; happiness was born a twin” Lord Byron

Tipping = tatting in public

And the name is..

Thank you to all who offered name suggestions for my bookmark. I had some great suggestions. I heard from a few people that there was some trouble leaving a comment. Thank you, Shannon, for emailing your suggestion when you had trouble.
I pondered quite a bit over the name, wrote them out to see how they looked, then pondered some more. I showed the bookmark to my daughter, who immediately thought of an award like a purple heart even though it wasn’t purple. Her idea kept percolating in my mind and the name I’ve finally decided on is “Heart’s Honor”. So I guess she’s the winner.

©Wanda Salmans 2011

I’m still working on the pattern for it, getting all the stitch counts and joins correct. I’m getting to do all kinds of things with the diagram that was talked about in the Design-Tat class. I know there are some things that could be done better but I’m leaving the drawing the way it is this time. After you get so far, going back and correcting can sometimes mean going back to, or almost to, the beginning. (I promise I’ll do better on the next pattern!) Between the written out pattern and the diagram I think it will be pretty clear. I don’t know that it will be ready to post next week but I’m hoping it will be ready by the following week.

A few months ago I introduced Ryan, a Flying Minor Norwegian Dragon. Since then we’ve been trying to find the perfect home for her, and she’s been very picky. She couldn’t make up her mind about colors or design or anything. But finally, finally, she found something she likes, and would now like to show off her new home. Her landlord is very happy with her as well (I hope they get along). She was also working on her flame, trying for just the right color. We both thought this copper looked perfect.

I had no tea today and I miss that. I was in such a hurry to get out and do some errands I didn’t take the time to make even one cup of tea for Tatting Tea Tuesday. And I didn’t even realize it until I got to work and it dawned on me it was Tuesday. So today I’ll take time to tat during breaks and dream of tea – okay, probably not dream of tea, but I plan on drinking tea tomorrow.

“Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves” Carol Lynn Pearson

What’s in a name?

I finished the test tat of my diagram of the heart bookmark. I found out that I had forgotten several chains in the diagram, but added them in where they should have been. I made several other changes, too, like joining several picots together where the diagram indicated to join to only one. I just thought it looked much better that way. There are a couple of not-so-pretty spots where I made a mistake and you can tell it’s a correction, but as this is a trial anyway I went on anyway. There are also a few things about the heart at the end I want to change to make it look more like the rest. Over-all I am very happy with this bookmark, and found that, barring my missing chains, it tatted up pretty much like I expected. For this attempt I used Lizbeth Ocean Turquoise Dark, #657, in size 20.

Design © 2011 Wanda Salmans

The main problem I have now is I’d like to have a name for it, to put on the pattern when it’s done. I’ve never been great at naming my patterns, they’ve always been things like “Fall bookmark” and “December 20xx snowflake”. So I thought I’d have a little naming contest. As I just thought of this I have no idea what the prize will be, but if you would like to make a name suggestion on this post I’ll choose the one I like best and send a little something as a thank you. As the next week is going to be pretty busy I’ll announce the winner in two weeks, so you have that long to make a suggestion.

The tea for today’s Tatting Tea Tuesday is a cup of Tazo Refresh tea with a little bit of honey. I haven’t had mint tea with honey in it since I was a little girl visiting my grandmother. Somehow sugar has become the sweetener of choice, leaving honey on the shelf. It makes for a nice change.

For all that I got some tatting done this last week was busy as well. Last week one of my daughters had a daughter herself, so I’m a grandma again! The tatting for today will be in pink.

“No one likes change except babies in diapers.”

Something forgotten

I went to visit my daughter this week and even took my laptop so I when I had a few minutes I could work on the cross bookmark pattern. And guess what? I had saved the pattern to an external hard drive at home but not on the laptop. So no cross bookmark pattern. Oops.
Not that I had all that much time to work on it anyway. You know how it is when you get around family and two-year-olds, right? I did get a little time after his bedtime to tat a little, but not much, though I did finally get my bookmark for the Tatting Forum’s bookmark exchange mailed off.

Instead of working on the cross bookmark I got some work done on the heart bookmark. Okay, very little, but some 🙂 I’m trying the second design out, finding out if the drawing can be tatted the way it is or if changes have to be made. It’s interesting figuring out the best way to tat what was drawn, can it even be done, and in one pass or do you have to cut and start in a different place?

My first attempt at the second version. I see a few changes are in order.

I didn’t have tea this morning for Tatting Tea Tuesday but a cup of coffee instead, flavored with French Vanilla La Crème, which I tried for the first time at my daughter’s house. Mmmm, very good. I also tried the Cinnamon Vanilla La Crème, which is scrumptious, too. They have been added permanately to my grocery list ♥

“Funny, I don’t remember being absent minded.”

Designing Practice

This week I sat down at the computer and tried drawing an idea I have.
I’m getting much better at it. Each time things come a little easier. Some of the things I learned in the Design-Tat class suddenly comes clear. I have these “A-ha!” moments as I’m working, as what was in our lessons finally make sense.
Align Center
This is a mini bookmark done as a sample to see how well I could tat the drawing I made. There are a couple of things I plan on changing, but overall I very happy with it. I’ll have to try a full-length version next.

I’ve also been working on diagramming the heart bookmark. It’s coming along very well. I’m at the really hard part of it – adding the stitch counts and notations for ring directions and such. I’ve never thought so much about the placement of such notations before! It’s a bit more complicated than Elcie was.

For Tatting Tea Tuesday I had a glass of iced Peppermint tea as the temperatures have decided to be summer-like, as in, hot! It was okay, but not as good as it is hot. Of course it might have something to do with me cutting down on my sugar. I’ve gotten used to hot tea with less sugar but iced tea should have lots! No, I’m not from the south and here in Kansas the restaurants have just recently started advertising they have sweet tea. But I grew up with it. My dad and his family always drank sweet tea and that’s what I expect. Trying to cut back on sugar doesn’t mean I don’t add sugar, just a lot less. I’ll see if I can keep it up.

“Do you really think God wants us to live a vanilla-bland life when He’s made a thirty-one flavors world? God wants us to color our world with rainbow colors and Willy Wonka flavors. Sure, playing it safe can make things easier (and duller), but branching out – even a little – can make life fuller (and more fun).” Rachel St. John-Gilbert


My tatting this week consisted of making a couple of cross bookmarks. I started with the one on the right, with an idea of how I wanted the ends to look. I started several times because it didn’t work quite right. I did this in tatting instead of with computer software because I had more time to do it that way. I would have liked to do it with software but it’s a little harder to take my laptop everywhere than it is my tatting. That’s one of the great things about tatting, isn’t it? The portability.

I am pretty happy with the result of the first one. I used a SCMR on the ends of each arm and one in the center as well. I did have a little trouble making up my mind about the tassels on each end, trying several different things before I decided that the spiral tails looked right. The entire pattern is straight forward and easy which will make it an excellent bookmark to make quickly give for special occasions.

There were a few things I thought might work better done slightly differently so made another one. On the second cross I made the end SCMRs a little bigger and each of the thrown rings a little differently, too. I had planned on doing the center the same way as the first cross but I made a little mistake that I didn’t notice ’til I came around the next time. I thought it would work, so continued on with that change. I actually like this center better than the first. I did plan the tassels a little better this time so I didn’t have to start over and over and over. Using a software program might have helped a little here also, to decide on the size of the rings compared to the rest of the cross. I definitely need to take some time to utilize more of what I learned about software designing in the Design-Tat class.

Both crosses are made with Lizbeth size 20 threads, center in #633 dark purple, outside in #127 Butterfly Breeze. These are #19 of my second 25 Motif Challenge. I am working on writing out and diagramming the pattern for these – again, need computer time to get it done. I’ve got a good start but still have a long way to go.

I’m still drinking hot tea on this Tatting Tea Tuesday. The weather has been rather cooler than normal this spring so it’s still more appealing yet than iced tea. Today Cinnamon Apple Spice really hit the spot. I think I’ll make another cup and work on my next project.

“Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better.” Pat Riley

A bookmark for Tatting Tea Tuesday

Flowery SCMR Bookmark © Jane Eborall
This week I tried my hand at Jane’s Flowery SCMR Bookmark, found on her free patterns page. Search for Jane Eborall.
I used Lizbeth Butterfly Breeze #127 and DMC Cébélia light green #955, both is size 20. I thought they went well together and they do, but a bit too well. The green DMC is almost an exact match for the green that is in the Butterfly Breeze, so there’s not as much contrast as I’d like. But I went ahead and finished it anyway. I may have to do this one again in different colors.
If you know how to do split rings this isn’t really a hard pattern but I kept having trouble with it – not on the self-closing mock rings or the split rings, but on the way which the split rings went after each of the SCMRs. It’s not the pattern’s fault, it’s just me trying to make things hard. The second side, which is the “leaves” weaving back and forth around the “flowers,” was much easier. Jane has a nice way to go across the first side, which I just couldn’t get until I slept on it, then it was, like “Oh!”, the light bulb came on. I don’t have the tail on yet but I don’t anticipate any problems from it. It’s also not laying very flat but a day or too in a book will take care of that. I’m counting this in my 25 Motif Challenge as #18.
I haven’t mentioned tea lately on my Tuesday posts, but I always try to have at least one cup of tea as I prepare my post, or while I finish that last bit of tatting before taking pictures. Today I had Rooibos again. I must thank Isdihara for introducing me to Tatting Tea Tuesday, which inspired me to try different kinds of teas. I never was very adventuresome with teas for some reason, but now I enjoy trying different flavors. Now that the weather is getting to be warmer again I may have to start trying different flavors of iced tea.
Thank you everyone who has been reading my blog. I’ve not had as much computer time lately so I’m way behind on replying to comments and on reading other people’s blogs. Though I don’t know what the future will bring, I’m hoping it brings a little time to do all that soon.
There are many methods for predicting the future. For example, you can read horoscopes, tea leaves, tarot cards, or crystal balls. Collectively, these methods are known as “nutty methods.” Or you can put well-researched facts into sophisticated computer models, more commonly referred to as “a complete waste of time.” Scott Adams

Bookmark is done!

I’m finally done with my Trial and Error bookmark. It actually turned out better than I thought it would. Blocking helped a lot. There are a couple of things that made it into this bookmark I’ll probably try on other projects later on. It could be better proportioned for a better over-all look, but as my boss pointed out “put it in a book and I bet it will mark your place just fine.”


My sister’s birthday is coming up very soon. I have been talking about making her a runner for a side table she has for several years but have never even gotten started on it. So this year I am determined to get it done! The plan was to actually have it completed by her birthday. I thought about the colors of the living room and chose a couple of colors that I thought would work, Lizbeth 654, Navy Blue and 655, Wedgwood Lt in size 20. I got started on it and decided to get the actual dementions to finish it in a day or so.

Okay, these colors would have been great – in her other house. She recently moved and is painting her livingroom in shades of green.

She loaned me the paint chips of the colors she’s going to use so I could find out which thread colors would work. Lizbeth 686 and 688, Seagreen Lt and Dk are almost exactly the colors her livingroom is going to be. That meant I had to order thread. Of course, I had to order more than those two colors, right? I’ve ordered several more colors, including the Peacock Blue that Isdahara suggested to Handy Hands. This does mean, though, that her gift won’t be done in time for her birthday. But it will be done shortly after the thread arrives, really!
Blogger issues
It was commented on by several readers that the end of my post from February 15th was not readable – well, Kathy said it was in Wingdings! I’ve looked back in the edits of this post and can’t see any change in the font, so I don’t know how to correct it. Kathy copied it into a text program and changed the font so she was able to read it. If anyone else has that problem let me know. In future posts I guess I can delete and right it over and see if that helps.
I think I have a visitor but I haven’t gotten a good look yet. Jarek has assured me that Ryan will come out and meet me soon but wants to investigate the house first. I did get a glimpse of a glimmering tail in my philodendron this morning, but that was all. I guess I’ll have to have a little patience.

“If you can’t take the heat, don’t tickle the dragon”

“Meddle not in the affairs of the dragon; for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.”