Category: bell
A hot Tatting Tea Tuesday

Bell pattern
Yesterday I posted the picture of the bell ornament. Today I’m going to add the pattern for it. I’ve not written out patterns that others have had to follow yet, so, please try it if you’d like and let me know if you find any mistakes. Refer to the picture from yesterday if you have any questions. I do make things that have a definate front and back so I don’t know how it will turn out if you don’t do that also. Happy tatting!
Bell Dec2007
2 shuttles
R 5-5-5-5. RW
Ch 3-2-2-3. RW.
Repeat between # 3 times, joining 1st p of each R to 3rd p of prev R.
R 5+5-5-5 to 3rd p of prev R. DNRW
Ch 3-2-2-3. RW
R 5+5-5-5 to 3rd p of prev Sht1 Ch. RW
R 5+5-5-5 to 3rd p of prev R. RW
Ch 3+2-2-3. DNRW
R 5-5-5-5. DNRW
Ch 3-2-2-3. RW
R 5+5-5-5 to 3rd p of prev Sht2 R. RW
Ch 3-2-2-3. RW
R 5+5-5-5 to 3rd p of prev R. RW
Ch 3-2-2-3. DNRW
R 5-5-5-5. RW
Ch 3+2-2-3 to 3rd p of prev Sht2 R. RW
5+5-5-5 to 3rd p of prev R.RW
Ch 3-2-2-3. RW
Repeat between * 2 times
R 5+5-5-5. DNRW
Ch 3-2-2-3. RW
R 5+ to 3rd p of prev Sht1 Ch 5-5+5 to 1st p of 1st Ch
Ch 3-2-2-3. join to base of 1st R.
Add hanger and jingle bell clapper if desired.
p.s. I’ve added the diagrammed pattern to my sidebar August 2011