What day is it?

This last week and a half has been very busy. There have been long days at work, long enough we’d go home, go to bed, get up, eat a little bit and go back to work. Several times I have gotten the days wrong because they have all run together. I even missed Tatting Tea Tuesday! I’ve gotten very little of anything at home done, and very little tatting. I was doing Jane’s TIAS but the last several times I picked it up I either made a mistake because I wasn’t paying close enough attention, or I had to put it right back down. I have all the days patterns printed off and am going to try to finish it this weekend. Key word is try!

What little tatting I did get done was on the table cloth. Woo hoo! I actually started again! It wasn’t much, but starting at all is a big step in the right direction. The reason I was able to do that much is because it’s the same thing over and over. But a start none the less.

On the home front, we had snow a couple of nights ago and yesterday. It made going home from work the other night take a bit longer than usual. We didn’t have it nearly as bad as Oklahoma, no ice and not as much snow. Just enough to make life interesting. I was hoping to get a snow day out of it, but no such luck. My husband and I actually are getting the same weekend off this week, though. Amazing! We haven’t had that kind of luck in months! Don’t know how much I’ll get accomplished, but at least I won’t be at work!

I don’t have any tatting to share this time so I thought I would share a picture of my Christmas cactus. I didn’t think it was going to bloom this year, but one day I looked at it and it and there were buds all over! I brought it into the kitchen so I could actually see it. Isn’t it pretty?

Teapot, Heart and Edging

Today for Tatting Tea Tuesday I put out my little teapot that my grandmother gave me when I was a child (many years ago, we won’t say how many). It is similar to hers, though mine is much smaller. I have many happy memories of playing “tea” with this. It’s almost amazing that it is still in such good shape today. And, no, I didn’t put tea in it this morning. I had my cup of Refresh mint tea in a big mug, as usual (which holds way too much for this little pot).

What do you think of this heart? Does some of it look familiar? If you look closely at the center you can see “Heart’s Desire” from Susan Fuller. I’m not sure what I was thinking when I did this. I had taken thread to make “Heart’s Desire” with me when I knew I’d be sitting waiting for awhile. I still had it with me that evening when I had to wait on my husband after work. As I had time on my hands and the heart in front of me and nothing better to do, I started making it a little bigger. I was thinking if it was just a little bigger it would be a small doily and a nice gift. Let’s just say it was challenging to make another round in the spirit of the original heart. This is not exactly how I wanted it to come out, but at a certain point I just wanted to finish it.

I’m not sure what I think about this heart. Did I ruin it? I really like the shape of the original, and this doesn’t keep quite to that. I’m thinking that the sides towards the bottom need a little work. I’m not going to take it apart to change it, but maybe I’ll try again sometime and make a few adjustments. One way or another, it was a challenge, so I’m making this number five of my 2nd 25 Motif Challenge.

Talking of challenges, I’ve been making Jane Eboral’s TIAS. No pictures to show and I’m a little behind. I definitely have to be awake a little longer than I have been before I work on it. It’s not that hard, but I’m making it hard! I still have absolutely no clue what it will be. Check out how everyone is doing here. Maybe one of you can figure out where she’s heading with this : )

I’ve gotten several comments on the picture in my last post, the one with the edging. A few people have indicated they would like the pattern. Okay, you asked, I give in. It was made in DMC white size 10 several years ago. This is a very simple pattern that, I think, is mine. If anyone has seen it before somewhere else I’ll be glad to give credit where it belongs. I make up a lot of edgings and rarely use a pattern from someone else (usually because I’m starting it without a pattern book around and/or because I can’t find one that fits what I have in mind) so I probably designed this one, too. Note that the picots are generous, which was intentional. You are welcome to make them any size you want.

For My Sweetheart Edging

2 Shuttles

Sht1 R 3-5-5-3. RW

Ch 5-3-3-5. RW

R 3-5-5-3. RW

Ch 5+3-3-3-3-3 to 1st p of prev ch. DNRW SS (Switch shuttles)

Sht2 R 3-5-5-3. DNRW SS

Sht1 Ch 3-3-3-3-3-5. RW

R 3-5+5-3 to 2nd p of prev Sht1 R. RW

Ch 5+3-3-5 to 1st p of prev Ch

Repeat from start for desired length.

Good luck! As always, beware of mistakes lurking! I would love to hear from anyone that makes this. And do let me know if you find any of those lurking mistakes. Nasty critters, those. I’ll take a broom to ’em and chase ’em off!

P.S. Thanks TattingChic for correcting me on the designer of “Heart’s Desire”. My pattern has Georgia Seitz web address at the bottom – my oops and my apologies to Susan Fuller.

Tea, TIAS and a Surprise

Welcome to Tatting Tea Tuesday!

Okay, I’m a little late in the day posting, but I made it! We had a lot of running around to do today and I didn’t get much chance at the computer ’til late. While we were out I had to wait on my husband for a short time so I was able to get a little tatting done. It wasn’t on any of my current projects – they are a little hard to take with me at the moment. I’ll probably find time to finish it soon, so will post about it next time.

So, how many of you are doing Jane Eborall’s TIAS? Isn’t’ it fun? If there are any of you out there that are not participating because you’re not sure what it’s about, check out her blog and give it a try! It’s a lot of fun. And you’ll be tatting it together with a lot of other people, so you can see how everyone is doing. These two pictures are of my Day 2 and Day 3. Day 3 looks HUGE compared to Day 2, but they are in the same size thread. I scanned these on two different scanners, one I’m familiar with, the other is new to me. I didn’t realize just how it would come out! The one on the left is made with Lizbeth size 20 in Caribbean – and it’s actually both Day 1 and Day 2 together – and the one on the right is in Victorian Red, Lizbeth. I have no idea how these will eventually go together or what the end result is going to be!

And what is the surprise I mentioned in the title? Well…

A couple of days ago I found an envelope in the mail with a lot of foreign stamps on it. ???? It was quite intriguing. Upon opening it I found a Christmas card and this beautiful snowflake! Isn’t it great? It’s from Trayna, who won my blogoversary give-away.

Thank you, Trayna, this is lovely!

I took it to work to show everyone there and got into a little discussion with my boss about if this is a snowflake or a star. I insisted it is a snowflake, he thinks it’s a star. We left it that it’s very pretty, which-ever it is!

I have made some progress on our Pastor’s table runner. It’s slow going, basically because I only have a general picture in my head on how it’s going look when it’s done. And then I change my mind every once in awhile, which doesn’t help. But I finally like where it’s headed. Now, if I can just find time to work on it! I have to work on it at home, so that slows me down a bit. Small projects like snowflakes and bookmarks are so much easier to finish because they can be taken almost anywhere with me. A ring and chain here, a few more there, and it’s done before you know it. *Sigh* But this will get done, eventually!

First Tatting Tea Tuesday of 2010

“It was a cold and stormy night…”

Okay, it was a cold and cloudy day, this first Tatting Tea Tuesday of the year. And it’s supposed to get much colder. Those of you north of here already have it worse. I hear the high in Omaha, Nebraska was -5 yesterday. Brrrr! I need a cup of hot tea just thinking about it!

For today’s tatting I sat down with a nice cup of hot tea and started Jane’s TIAS (Tat It And See). I’ve never participated in one of these before, but it looks like fun. Plus the added factor of doing it “with” other tatters is appealing. Jane has already posted the first samples on her TIAS blog. Here is my attempt at Day 1. I have no idea where this is headed.

In the introduction to her TIAS, Jane recommends at least three shuttles, and five if you don’t want to wind and unwind, and three colors of thread that ‘get along’ with each other. I have located four empty shuttles and started emptying the fifth. Just to make it easier on myself you understand. As we have no idea how much thread is going to be needed it’s hard to know how full to wind the shuttles. Oh, well, I chose colors I like so I’ll be able to use the left-overs pretty easily. I’ve chosen Lizbeth threads in size 20; Caribbean, Victorian Red and Black. I’ll find out whether that was a good choice or not pretty soon, I suppose.

Other than that, I have three projects I need to work on. The most pressing is a Christmas gift that I didn’t have time to do. I had to give them an IOU – to our Pastor and his wife! Every year I make them a table runner – material for the center, with tatted edgings. They really look forward to them *warm fuzzy feeling* but I just ran out of time this year. So that will be my main project, hopefully finished in a couple of weeks. (Hey, I dream up new edgings for this every year. This time I have a very ambitious one that I hope works out!) I’ll post about it when it’s done.

The second project is for my sister. She gave me some material that she has collected, to use for runners. A couple of pieces she really likes and wouldn’t mind a runner of her own. As she does so much for me (and she has a birthday coming up) I thought I should make her one. I’ll start it right after I finish the one for the Pastor and his wife.

The third project is *head hangs in shame* something I started for my sister and her husband a long time ago and never finished. A table cloth – in size 30 thread! Why, oh why did I do that?? Actually, I tried to find a pattern I liked and do it in size 10, but I never liked any of those that I saw. So, what else could I do but come up with my own pattern, which looked wonderful in size 30? It’s been a running joke that I give it to them, enlarged each year (mostly), at Christmas and then they give it back so I can work on it. I really think it’s time I just get it done, once and for all. Well, okay, it might take several months, but I’ve got it out, my shuttles are wound and I have some motivation for it. Wish me luck!

Last Tatting Tea Tuesday of 2009

Amazing, isn’t it? This is the last Tatting Tea Tuesday of 2009. On this cold and gray day I’m having a cup of green tea, trying to stay warm and cozy. After a couple of nice days the weather turned cold again, with snow flurries. Here we go again?

Did everyone have a happy Christmas? It’s hard to believe that it has come and gone already! We had a wonderful Christmas with both our daughters and their families. Christmas eve didn’t go quite as planned, though. The weather got a bit worse here than was predicted and we had white-out, near blizzard conditions though not all that much snow. It did mean that our oldest couldn’t make it out until Christmas day. But that was great!

I haven’t gotten much tatting done this week with all the family things going on. The snowflake in the picture is one of the few, made in Lizbeth size 20. It’s a modification of another one, but I like the hearts around the edge. I guess as Christmas is past I should start working on a few other things. The question is which one? I’ve been so busy getting ready for the holidays that I’m having a hard time getting past it. I think I need to make a list of my other projects I need to do so I can get back on track in the New Year.

Have you made any New Year’s resolutions? I haven’t – yet. I think I need to make a few, or at least one. Like write out the patterns for a few pieces I’ve designed this year.

‘Twas the Tuesday before Christmas…

And all through the house,
Everyone was stirring,
Even the mouse!

It’s just a few days before Christmas and there still seems to be so much to do! That last little gift needs to be wrapped, the final snowflake needs to be finished, the last bit of shopping to do. Is there anyone I forgot?
These are a few of the last snowflakes I’ve been making to give to close friends and family. They take that little bit of extra time to put them in the ring, so mostly they’ll be given Christmas Eve or Christmas day. Most of them are not “Christmas-y” in color, so could be hung out all year. Yeah, yeah, they’re not too late. Really.

And this one is an oopsie. I started the center while we were driving (not me, I was the passenger!) and got a little distracted. I finished the center and had started the outside when I noticed things were not going together like they were supposed to. Then I realized I hadn’t made the correct number of picots in the center. *Uh oh!* But, as I was already started on the outside, I just went with it. Okay, it’s not fancy or anything, but I don’t think it’s a waste of thread. It has a nice, frilly look. I think it’s a keeper.

We’re going to have a full house for the next week. My daughter from D.C. and her family are flying in tomorrow evening. There was a chance the weather here would be bad, but now they’re saying the worst is going to miss us. For once I’m glad they are saying that, here at least, we’re probably not going to have a white Christmas, or at least the Wednesday before Christmas won’t be! I don’t want them delayed or stranded. The airport in D.C. has dug it’s way out of all the snow they had, I would hate to have them fly into another snowbound airport!

Our other daughter is local so doesn’t have to worry about travel so much. They’ll be coming out on Christmas Eve and then again Christmas night. Both grandsons to play with and spoil (only a little!) oh, boy!! :- )

Over the next few days we will be having several family get-togethers, the church program and an anniversary party. Lots of family and friends to be with, plenty of food to eat, and oodles of love to share. It’s going to be a wonderful Christmas!

I hope that all of you have a joyous Christmas, spend time with those you love, and be safe in all of your travels. I saw a wonderful quote the other day that I’ll leave you with:

“May Peace be your gift at Christmas and a blessing throughout the year.” author Unknown

Tatting Tea Tuesday December 15, 2009

I’m still doing snowflakes. I have a couple of other things I should be doing, but I just don’t seem to get started! Oh, well. Everything will get done, or it won’t. I think I’ll have another cup of tea and try not to worry about it.

Last time I told you about an old snowflake that I had found and showed a modified version of it. Today I have the old one, and a couple of modified ones. No, the old one didn’t get a bath (another of those things I was going to do and never got started). It’s the one on the bottom right. You can see the difference between the old and the new. I like the old one, I just don’t want to have that many ends to hide!

We’ve had a very busy week around the house and with family. It seems that there are always at least two different things we should be doing at any given time. And it’s not just getting ready for Christmas, it’s the everyday things. Sometimes I just have to slow down and take a breath. And make choices as to what gets done and what doesn’t. So this is going to be very short today.

I hope everyone is having a safe and happy holiday season. Enjoy your families, remember the reason for the season, and have a Merry Christmas!

A Snowy Tatting Tea Tuesday

It’s snowing!
Okay, sometimes it’s sleeting and then sometimes it’s raining – but then it’s snowing!
There’s only a couple of inches on the ground right now, though they are predicting that we’ll get a couple more before the night is over. Farther south, where I work, they got more ice than snow. Which will make it fun getting to and from work. Just looking out the window at all that snow makes me think of Christmas-y things but it also makes me cold. So I made myself a nice, hot cup of green tea and sat back for a few minutes to tat.
This week I found a snowflake I made some years ago (I don’t know how many, but I’m thinking at least 10). It has some yellow spots and isn’t quite the cleanest because it was in the bottom of the the box of Christmas decorations. It is an interesting pattern in that it has a lot of ends to hide. Looking it over I couldn’t see how to make it without all those ends. But I liked the look so modified it a bit. The two on the right are what I came up with. They are made with Lizbeth color 102 (I think it’s Western Sunset) in size 20. One was made with SCMRs and one with two shuttles. Can you tell which one is which? I’m counting these two as my 4th motif in my second round of the 25 Motif Challenge.

I didn’t post a picture of the original because I got in a hurry and forgot to take a picture of it. I’ll try to share it later, maybe after it gets a bath.

The one on the left I designed in September.
It’s done in the same thread as the others and I think it looks pretty good in this color. I’ve been going back and forth between white snowflakes and colorful snowflakes. I’ll empty my shuttles of one and try another and then back to white. There is just something about a white snowflake, no matter how pretty they look in colors, that appeals to me.

I think I’ll check outside now and see if there is more of the real thing coming down!

Wishing everyone a blessed and joyous Christmas season.

Secret Santa Exchange

At InTatters we had a Secret Santa exchange. The person you were sending to didn’t know who you were and they weren’t the one you were getting a package from. As this is through the mail it’s a little hard to be anonymous when you sent it, but they wouldn’t know who you were until they got your package. I’d never done an exchange like this before and it was fun!

Among other things, I sent my partner this Christmas-colored doily. I can post now as I know that she received it. I think it looks pretty good in these colors as well as the fall colors I did it in last time. This went to Tarie in Arizona. I hope she likes it 🙂

These wonderful items are what I received from My Secret Santa.
IcePrincess from Germany sent me all these wonderful things. There is a handmade shuttle with blue leaves, a Celtic style cross bookmark, a wooden “W” on a keyring, and some beautiful red/blue/purple beads. The card has a hand made paper seal with an angel on it. Thank you so much IcePrincess, I love what you sent to me! A very lovely way to start the Christmas season.

There was some debate on InTatters if we should wait ’til Christmas to open our packages. It was obvious that most of us didn’t wait, or want to wait! It would be rude not to let the ‘Santa” know that you received and liked what you got, wouldn’t it??? Well, I think so! Besides, I think most of us still have that little kid inside that doesn’t want to wait!

This exchange has really gotten me into the Christmas spirit and gotten me motivated to put out the Christmas tree and decorate the house. And start playing the Christmas music! I love to sing along to the carols and songs that I know.

Wishing all of you a wonderful and blessed Christmas season!

Tatting Tea Tuesday with snowflakes

Do any of these look familiar? They should.
What, I’m showing pictures of the same ones over again?
No. Well, except for one that was half finished the last time.
I invite you to make yourself a cup of tea, take up your tatting and sit back while I explain myself.

This is the time of year that I try to make snowflakes to go in my Christmas cards. Yes, I should of had most of them done by now, but I never do. It seems I have to really get in the Christmas mood before I can get into gear to make them. So, sometime after Thanksgiving. Okay, to make enough of them for the cards. Before this I have a hard time buckling down to do this as there are so many things that would be so wonderful to make for gifts or new patterns to try or… Well, you get the picture. Distractions. But about now I realize that if I don’t get with it, they don’t get done!

The trick to getting them made quickly, at least for me, is to make the same ones over and over. That way I don’t have to keep referring to a pattern and I know exactly what I have to take with me to tat on the go. It sometimes seems that I don’t have to do a lot of thinking about them while I’m tatting, either. My mind can move on to other things, like what am I going to get the grandsons for Christmas. (Or, what am I going to limit myself to getting for the grandsons!) And then I get done however many get done.

In the spirit of snowflakes, Christmas and giving, I’m posting the pattern for the larger snowflake. It’s for all of you, but especially Tatskool, as she asked for it. As always, I’m the only one that’s made it yet, so the pattern may have a few oopsies in it. Please watch out for them and let me know if any of them get you.

September 2009 Snowflake
2 shuttles
R=ring; Ch=chain; – = picot, the longer the line, the longer the picot; +=join; RW=reverse work; DNRW=do not reverse work; . =close; Sht1=shuttle 1; Sht2=shuttle 2; SR= split ring

R 2-2-2-2-2-2 climb out of R with mock picot. (Alternate: finish with -2, cut and tie.)

SR Sht1 3, Sht2 3. RW (Alternate:start Inside with Sht1 R 3+3 to a p of Center.)
Sht1 Ch 2-2 RW
*R 3+3 to next p of center. RW
Ch 5-2–2—2–2-5 RW
R 3+3 to same p of center. RW
Ch 2-2 RW*
Repeat between * 4 times then

R 3+3 to next p of center. RW
Ch 5-2–2—2–2-5
Join to base of SR

Sht1 R 3+3 to 5th p of last Ch of Inside. DNRW
R 3+3 to p of next Ch of Inside. DNRW
R 3+3 to 1st p of next Ch of Inside. RW
Ch 5-6-2–2-6 DNRW
Sht2 R 3-2–2—2–2-3. DNRW
Sht1 Ch 6-2–2-6-5
#R 3+3 to 5th p of same Ch of Inside. DNRW
R 3+3 to p of next Ch of Inside. DNRW
R 3+3 to 1st p of next Ch of Inside. RW
Ch 5+6-2–2-6 to last p of prev Ch DNRW
Sht2 R 3-2-2—2–2-3. DNRW
Sht1 Ch 6-2–2-6-5 RW#
Repeat between # 4 times then
Ch 6-2–2—2–2-6+5 to 1st p of 1st Ch of Outside.
Join to base of 1st R.

Good luck! And if any body makes one, I’d love to hear about it!