“Elcie” pattern is available!

For all of you that have been patiently waiting for the pattern, “Elcie” is finally here! Thanks to Fox for a little help on getting it to my sidebar. That was one of the difficulties yesterday, but by no means the only one! But, finally, success!

“You’ve got to go through turmoil to get to success. ” Tony Battie

Technical Difficulties

Due to technical difficulties Tatting Tea Tuesday is postponed until tomorrow.

Okay, maybe not. It’s still Tuesday and I did drink tea, but there have been problems with my posting today. I was planning on posting the pattern to “Elcie” but I’ve had some difficulties with putting it up. If things go better tomorrow I hope to post it then.

“Life Affords no higher pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties, passing from one step of success to another, forming new wishes and seeing them gratified.” Samuel Johnson

A bookmark for Tatting Tea Tuesday

Flowery SCMR Bookmark © Jane Eborall
This week I tried my hand at Jane’s Flowery SCMR Bookmark, found on her free patterns page. Search for Jane Eborall.
I used Lizbeth Butterfly Breeze #127 and DMC Cébélia light green #955, both is size 20. I thought they went well together and they do, but a bit too well. The green DMC is almost an exact match for the green that is in the Butterfly Breeze, so there’s not as much contrast as I’d like. But I went ahead and finished it anyway. I may have to do this one again in different colors.
If you know how to do split rings this isn’t really a hard pattern but I kept having trouble with it – not on the self-closing mock rings or the split rings, but on the way which the split rings went after each of the SCMRs. It’s not the pattern’s fault, it’s just me trying to make things hard. The second side, which is the “leaves” weaving back and forth around the “flowers,” was much easier. Jane has a nice way to go across the first side, which I just couldn’t get until I slept on it, then it was, like “Oh!”, the light bulb came on. I don’t have the tail on yet but I don’t anticipate any problems from it. It’s also not laying very flat but a day or too in a book will take care of that. I’m counting this in my 25 Motif Challenge as #18.
I haven’t mentioned tea lately on my Tuesday posts, but I always try to have at least one cup of tea as I prepare my post, or while I finish that last bit of tatting before taking pictures. Today I had Rooibos again. I must thank Isdihara for introducing me to Tatting Tea Tuesday, which inspired me to try different kinds of teas. I never was very adventuresome with teas for some reason, but now I enjoy trying different flavors. Now that the weather is getting to be warmer again I may have to start trying different flavors of iced tea.
Thank you everyone who has been reading my blog. I’ve not had as much computer time lately so I’m way behind on replying to comments and on reading other people’s blogs. Though I don’t know what the future will bring, I’m hoping it brings a little time to do all that soon.
There are many methods for predicting the future. For example, you can read horoscopes, tea leaves, tarot cards, or crystal balls. Collectively, these methods are known as “nutty methods.” Or you can put well-researched facts into sophisticated computer models, more commonly referred to as “a complete waste of time.” Scott Adams

Storks and not much else

Jane Eborall’s stork pattern

As predicted this was a very busy week. We had family here over the weekend, a baby shower and a family picnic. It was a lot of fun but my time was spent with the family with little time for tatting.

The only tatting that got done was this cute stork. This is a pattern by Jane Eborall found for free on her tatting patterns page. I had a lot of fun tatting this and it works very well on the photo album book, which was a gift to my daughter at her baby shower. The stork is made with Lizbeth white size 20 and DMC Cébélia ecru in size 30. Due to the size difference I had to adjust the stitch count a bit with the ecru. The Cébélia is also softer than the Lizbeth which was also something to get used to again. The baby’s sling is made with Lizbeth # 621, Dusty Rose Lt, size 20 . The baby is in DMC Cébélia #437, which is a gold color, size 30 . When I chose it every body that saw it on the ball had doubts about it for the baby, but once it was done and on the pink background it looked more like the color we expect the baby to be. It would work for the big brother so I thought it would work for the baby. It certainly shows up better on the pink background than a very light pink would have! I would have had to choose a different book to put it on. Again, it being a size 30 I had to adjust the stitch count and I added an extra split ring to each leg to make the proportions look right. And, yes, I put a green bead for the eye instead of a blue one.

Thank you, Jane, for the wonderful pattern! If you know how to do split rings this is an easy pattern. In fact, a friend of mine just recently became a grandpa again, and a neighbor is expecting a grandbaby soon. Hmmm, maybe a few more are in order.

The weather was great this weekend, though windy – it’s Kansas, I really don’t expect it otherwise. Saturday the temperatures were in the upper 70s and Sunday in the mid to upper 80s (degrees Fahrenheit). We were able to do a lot outside, including an Easter egg hunt for the little ones. One of my daughters won’t be able to be with the rest of the family over Easter so we took advantage of the chance to do one. All the little ones are just two years old – they were sooooo cute! It was a great day.

Wind around here is expected but sometimes the humidity is so low that we have fire weather warnings. That’s when you have high winds and high gusts with low humidity, which means any fires that start will be hard to contain and will spread rapidly. I think we’ve had fire weather warnings every day for more than a week. I haven’t heard of any major fires close to us lately but Sunday in Haskell County a town of 1,200 people had to be evacuated due to a grass fire that ended up covering 10,000 acres. Thankfully the only injuries there were a couple of people with minor smoke inhalation. Three families lost their homes to fire but the rest of the people of the town were able to finally return to their homes. We are thankful there was nothing worse, but I must say I’m glad it wasn’t close to my home.

I was so busy this week that I basically missed International Tatting Day on April 1st. I had thought to take time to tat and eat chocolate this year but I was too busy. I did read about some fun stuff about it on Isdihara’s April 1 posting over on Ambitatterous. If you haven’t been over to read it yet it’s not too late. April 1st comes once a year, so there’s time to plan for next year.

This last picture is of the tatted stork and a stuffed stork that were used as decoration, and gifts, at the baby shower.

It sometimes happens, even in the best of families, that a baby is born. This is not necessarily cause for alarm. The important thing is to keep your wits about you and borrow some money. ” ~Elinor Goulding Smith

Trying to find a heart

A few weeks ago in February, I posted a picture of a heart I was working on. Even on my ‘Trial and Error’ bookmark I have a nice start of one. Then our homework for the Design-Tat class was to make one. I worked on it but then realized I had done the homework incorrectly. My work was not a complete loss as I got a lot of practice with diagramming what I was playing with, but now I have to start over on that. The hearts I came up with aren’t all that heart-shaped so maybe it’s good that I have to start over. But I thought I would share what I did as it’s almost all of the tatting I got done all week.

(I missed the picture the first time, lets try again)

Start with this…

Try #1

Try #2

Try #3

Anyone who’s taken Sharon’s course will know what I’ve been trying to do. Okay, doing wrong. I know what I need to do, now, and will get back on course.

I say I’ll get back to it but it might be a few days. I have three other tatting projects I need to get done as they are for other people. Ryan is done but not mounted yet. I’ve started my sister’s doily/runner but have a long way to go. And I have a piece I want to do for my daughter’s baby shower. I don’t usually have this many active projects going on at a time. I need to quit playing around and get on with them! (pep talk to myself). Maybe I’ll have more to show next week.

“Many fine things can be done in a day if you don’t always make that day tomorrow”

Ryan shows herself

Ryan, Flying Minor Norwegian Dragon designed by Anne Bruvold

This week has been very busy but I was still able to get some tatting done – amazing!

Ryan has finally shown herself. After hiding and being generally sneaky, she finally came out and introduced herself. She’s in DMC Cebelia size 30 in Christmas green and #797 blue with a single strand of gold metallic embroidery floss, which makes her a little bigger than Jarek. I was able to get her to hold still for a little while as we contemplated different colors to use in her new home. We haven’t yet come up with what either of us think will work, so we’ll have to keep trying.

I was a little apprehensive about using a strand of metallic floss in with the other thread as I’ve done it in the past and fought with it a lot. This time it worked great. I had very little trouble with it and the floss didn’t break at all, which is what I was most worried about. Somehow I also managed to put the right amount of thread on the shuttles. The first shuttle of blue made most of the body, then it was filled again for the rest. The last came off the shuttle while doing the last chain and I had to manage that last little bit loose. I almost asked for assistance holding it but made it all by my self. The shuttle of green did both wings with just a little bit left over. I guess I should mark that down for next time.

Based on “Angels in the Snow” by Miranda Rensberger

A friend of mine had a birthday last week – which I missed! I was trying to think of a little something to do for her while I cleaned out my tatting bag and found the start of “Angels in the Snow” by Miranda Rensberger that I had done to take step-by-step pictures for Tabatha. I suppose it was the angle I saw it, but it struck me that with a few additions it would make an interesting necklace. Then, of course, I was in a hurry to get it done and made all kinds of mistakes, like joining in the wrong place and adding too many stitches in a ring. It did come out well and the recipient liked it very much. It didn’t hurt that I made it in green, one of her favorite colors, Lizbeth size 20 in Seagreen Dk 688. I added black shell beads that I found at Wal-mart. They are textured not flat, and look much better than the picture. It actually came out just like I envisioned it.

I mentioned last week that a Kansas tatter had contacted me through my blog. Believe it or not, another Kansas tatter contacted me this last week. Wow! Two in two weeks! I’m hoping to get together with them in the next week or so but will have to play it by ear and see how things work out. Meeting them is really something to look forward to! A tat and chat – hehehehe! How fun!

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

The right colors

My order of Lizbeth thread from Handy Hands arrived late last week, which included the thread I needed to make my sister’s birthday present. I’ve made a start of her gift but there is a long way to go, mainly because I haven’t decided exactly how I’m going to join them together or finish it off. I have a few ideas that are bouncing around the back of my mind about it, but they haven’t come together yet. Some of you might recognize the motif I’m using is from last October, the Priscilla Tatting Book No. 1. This time I’m using Lizbeth size 20 in 686 and 688, Seagreen Lt and Dk. The inner long picots are a half inch in length, probably a little long, but I like how it gives them a swirling effect 🙂

Some of the other colors that I ordered are ‘Paint Brush’, ‘Butterfly Breeze’, ‘Root Beer’ and ‘Peacock Blues’. A few of these I have plans for, others just appealed to me. I guess that means I’ll have to find projects to make with them. Not to justify their purchase but to have the opportunity to use them and enjoy their colors.

The newest dragon
Ryan hasn’t shown herself completely yet. Okay, I got excited about getting started on my sister’s gift and did that instead. I’m using DMC Cebelia size 30 with one strand of metallic embroidery floss, which makes the finished project bigger than one made in size 20 Lizbeth. Only her wings are missing yet, and then framing and finishing. I don’t think I’ll get her done yet this week as we’re having company this weekend – our daughter and her son will be here for a few days. Somehow having a two-year-old running around doesn’t give a person much time to tat!

I had an interesting email yesterday from a woman who lives here in Kansas and also tats who would like to get together sometime. Oh, goodie, goodie! The biggest problem right now is I’m so busy with a lot of different things that our meeting might have to wait a week or two. But I’m sure eventually we’ll find a time that will work for both of us. I’m really looking forward to it.

Blogger issue
I happened to use a computer using Explorer to view my blog yesterday and I found out what Kathy and Margarette found – that the end of my 2/15 blog post was now showing in Wingdings! As I post using Firefox I hadn’t seen it before. I changed it, hopefully for all the different methods of viewing.

Japanese disaster
I’m praying for all those that have been effected by the earthquakes and tsunami in Japan. May God bless and protect them from further harm. I don’t know how many who read this blog may live in the effected areas but I hope they are all safe.

In this disaster, as well as the ones recently in Australia, I don’t always know how I can help, one person a long way away. But there are ways, including donations of money to organizations that are capable of being there to help. The company I work for has employees in Japan and has announced that all are accounted for. Now the company is donating $1 million dollars to the Japanese Red Cross and getting out information on how the rest of us can help. It’s good to work for a caring company.

“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.”
Helen Keller

Bookmark is done!

I’m finally done with my Trial and Error bookmark. It actually turned out better than I thought it would. Blocking helped a lot. There are a couple of things that made it into this bookmark I’ll probably try on other projects later on. It could be better proportioned for a better over-all look, but as my boss pointed out “put it in a book and I bet it will mark your place just fine.”


My sister’s birthday is coming up very soon. I have been talking about making her a runner for a side table she has for several years but have never even gotten started on it. So this year I am determined to get it done! The plan was to actually have it completed by her birthday. I thought about the colors of the living room and chose a couple of colors that I thought would work, Lizbeth 654, Navy Blue and 655, Wedgwood Lt in size 20. I got started on it and decided to get the actual dementions to finish it in a day or so.

Okay, these colors would have been great – in her other house. She recently moved and is painting her livingroom in shades of green.

She loaned me the paint chips of the colors she’s going to use so I could find out which thread colors would work. Lizbeth 686 and 688, Seagreen Lt and Dk are almost exactly the colors her livingroom is going to be. That meant I had to order thread. Of course, I had to order more than those two colors, right? I’ve ordered several more colors, including the Peacock Blue that Isdahara suggested to Handy Hands. This does mean, though, that her gift won’t be done in time for her birthday. But it will be done shortly after the thread arrives, really!
Blogger issues
It was commented on by several readers that the end of my post from February 15th was not readable – well, Kathy said it was in Wingdings! I’ve looked back in the edits of this post and can’t see any change in the font, so I don’t know how to correct it. Kathy copied it into a text program and changed the font so she was able to read it. If anyone else has that problem let me know. In future posts I guess I can delete and right it over and see if that helps.
I think I have a visitor but I haven’t gotten a good look yet. Jarek has assured me that Ryan will come out and meet me soon but wants to investigate the house first. I did get a glimpse of a glimmering tail in my philodendron this morning, but that was all. I guess I’ll have to have a little patience.

“If you can’t take the heat, don’t tickle the dragon”

“Meddle not in the affairs of the dragon; for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.”

Trial and error

I continued on with my bookmark trial from last week. I’m using it for trying a few different ideas, seeing how a few things work together. This would probably be a good exercise for using a drawing program though I didn’t take the time to try it. It might lay a little a little flatter and be more aesthetically pleasing without all the thread if I had. I have learned a bit, though – like, it’s easier to tat the inside first, then the outside (like I didn’t know that already!). The other way ’round is a little trickier. I did the outside first, trying to find a shape I liked. I’m not exactly happy with this shape but I didn’t want to cut it off and try again, so I started trying ways to stiffen the shape a bit by adding additions in the centers. I like how some of them look, just not necessarily together. There are still a couple of things I want to try as I’m this far with it. Might as well get as much out of it as I can.

A little trade
Isn’t this picture pretty? I’m not sure if this is crewel or tapestry work or exactly what. I was given this in exchange for some tatting.

For my wallpaper on my computer at work I have a picture of Crosby, the Norwegian Flying Dragon. The other day a friend and co-worker was in and commented on him. The next day I came into my office shortly after the start of work and found a large frame in my chair, positioned so with the picture was facing the back. It’s a beautiful piece of work in a beautiful frame. There was absolutely nothing to say who put it there or why. So I start asking around. My friend said his sister had made the picture but, for whatever reason, he didn’t want it anymore but he would like a dragon. If I liked the picture he’d give it to me in exchange.

Anne B has stated that she doesn’t want the dragons sold, but trade is acceptable. She had mentioned thread to make the dragon in exchange for it, but I thought this trade was in keeping with her wishes, so I agreed. Now I have to find the just the right thread – he said he likes blues and greens. Hmmm, maybe peacock colors….

Tatting Tea Tuesday
This has been a tea-less Tuesday, but for a good reason. We have been encouraged at work to stay healthy or try to get healthy and they’ve done some of that encouraging by offering money to have a health check done. They brought in a company this week to take our blood to check for cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose, take our blood pressure, height and weight and give us our BMI and body fat numbers, all in just a few minutes. They gave us a monetary incentive – we might as well take advantage of it, right? As both my husband and work at the same place we went in together this afternoon before work to have our fingers pricked. The down side in this is that you are not supposed to eat or drink anything but water for eight to twelve hours before the appointment – there went my tea. And no trip to IHOP, either.

We planned our day to go in about ninety minutes before work so we could get our fingers poked then go to lunch. We went to a nearby Applebee’s, which worked out well except then I was ready for an after lunch nap by the time work started. What we go through for our health 🙂

“In the future we’ll all have 15 minutes of fame and 15 minutes of healthcare” Nicole Hollander

A man’s health can be judged by which he takes two at a time – pills or stairs” Joan Welsh

“In health there is freedom. Health is the first of all liberties” Henri Frederic Amiel

“To insure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life” William Londen

A little distraction

This is all I have to show for tatting this week and it’s not even done. I had a little distraction this week, which I’ll get to in a moment, and what I’ve been trying to tat hasn’t worked out quite the way I’d like.

I started out with an idea to utilize my new knowledge and skill of SSSRs (single shuttle split rings) on, maybe, a bookmark. I had a pretty clear idea what I wanted to do and how, so loaded up a couple of shuttles with Lizbeth size 20 in Lilac Dk. #641 and started. It actually went really good, putting my shuttles just where I wanted. And then things didn’t happen quite like I had imagined.

I knew from doing the dragon’s bodies that SSSRs didn’t behave quite like regular split rings – obviously, there’s just one thread instead of two – but it didn’t really hit me just how different until I had the first row of SSSRs done exactly how different they are. They were kind of, well, wimpy. Some of it could be that I’m new enough at it that it was my stitches that were the main culprit, but whatever the reason, I did not like how it felt and reacted, though it looked like I wanted it to. So I cut out the offending rings (it’s not easy to open a SSSR after it’s closed!) and tried something else.

In the Design Tat class Sharon is teaching us that using drawing software can be quicker and easier to use in testing out some designs than actually tatting them. And I’m working on it, but I’m not there yet so it was back to the shuttles. I should have tried the software, because I didn’t like where I was going with the next try.

So this is where I’m at. I like the start, I just need to re-think what I want to do next.

That little distraction I mentioned earlier: it started when I decided to take advantage of an offer I heard when I was listening to Pandora radio on the internet. It was for a couple of free audio books from audible.com. The first book I chose was Jeff Dunham’s All By My Selves Walter, Peanut, Achmed, and Me read by Jeff himself. I loved it! It has a lot of laughs in it. If you don’t know who Jeff Dunham is or would like to know more check out jeffdunham.com and this.

Okay, I can tat and listen to audio books. But then I started looking for a second free book and I saw a Lois McMaster Bujold title I didn’t recognize. It was a new Miles Vorkosigan book! Oooo, I was so excited! Bujold is one of my favorite authors and the Vorkosigan books are the greatest – if you like space opera (as Ms. Bujold has described it). I of course had to get it, but should I get the audio book or the printed version? I hurried over to Amazon.com to see what they had. They had it listed, of course, but did I want to order it or go to a local store to get it sooner? Audio or printed? Getting my hands on it sooner and printed won out and to the bookstore I hurried.

It is only out in hardback yet but that didn’t matter, I wasn’t going to wait for paperback or the library. For the next couple of days I got almost nothing else done that didn’t absolutely have to be done. Even sleep was something of an option, at least for as long as I could keep my eyes open, then it was up and at it again as soon as I could the next morning. Ahh, I love a good Miles story! Then it was back to other things, all that I had ignored for a couple of days including tatting. The book lay on my table, finished but not yet ready for it’s home in the bookshelves.

I had noticed when I bought it that it had an announcement on the front about a CD-ROM in it and had found the sealed envelope in the back but hadn’t opened it yet. I finally took the time to find out what it was. And, oh, wow! It contains the new book, Cryoburn, and the entire Vorkosigan Saga in multiple formats – that’s all 14 novels for free! It also contains all the cover art, pictures, essays – all kinds of stuff. And you can do almost anything with it you like, including make copies and give them away. The only thing they don’t want you to do with it is sell copies of it, otherwise it’s yours to do with as you like.

This is well worth the price of the hardcover. I already have all the books in one form or another, but I love it anyway. If I ever get a Kindle or other digital reader I can read the books on them, too. This is a really sweet deal.

Well, next week I shouldn’t have such a distraction and I’ll try to have a bit more tatting done. I do have a list of things that I want done…

“Eloquence consists of persuading people of things they desperately want to believe.”Miles Vorkosigan, Komarr

“Aim high. You may still miss the target but at least you won’t shoot your foot off.” – Elli Quinn