Doily Finished! And my giveaway

Feel like giving

Vacation tatting

Seen at the fair

Fair Results

Going to the fair
Getting Ready For the State Fair

Snowflakes and Dinosaurs

I’ve done other tatting this week but nothing that’s ready to share. I keep changing my mind on what I want and keep switching from one project to another. Hopefully I’ll have finished one thing or another by next week. And maybe even post on Tuesday. I had tea and tatted on Tuesday, I just ran out of time to post!
This last weekend we went up to visit our daughter and family. We had a great time, going to an air show on Saturday and the Omaha Children’s Museum on Sunday. I had never been to a children’s museum, though I knew that the exhibits were meant to be touched and be interactive with children. They currently have an exhibit of dinosaurs there, something our grandson likes right now.
We found something interesting to see right away when we arrived, before we even went in.

We decided to go to the dinosaur exhibit first, to make sure we had plenty of time there. For all that he likes dinosaurs, my grandson was a little intimidated by the robotic dinosaurs that moved and made noises.
The dinosaurs are not full-sized but quite realistic looking (how does anyone really know?)
My grandson didn’t take too long to get over being scared. There is so much there for them to do.
This is a robot skeleton that the children can push buttons to move, up down, side to side. It was very popular with the kids.

There were more activities in the display and many more throughout the museum. We were there for several hours and didn’t even get close to seeing everything. If any of you with children or grandchildren are in the Omaha area and are looking for something fun to do I recommend this. They do have places for the parents to sit and watch while the children explore 🙂
(I am not being paid for this endorsement, it was just so much fun to watch the children there I wanted to share with it everyone else.)
“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death”
Albert Einstein