I’m still having fun making Kelly’s ‘Flower Heart’ earrings. I made a pair of pink ones for my oldest daughter who currently has long, very dark hair, which makes an excellent backdrop for the earrings. These are in Lizbeth #622 size 20 with pink seed beads. She wore them to work the next day (at a Starbucks) and a little later I got a phone call from her. One of her co-workers loved them and wanted a pair in Starbucks green.
I looked through my stash of thread looking for a green that was close to “Starbucks green”. I used the logo on a bag of coffee as my sample color. The only green I had that came close was an almost empty ball of DMC size 8 Pearl cotton. I have no idea the color number as the label was lost a long time ago. When I gave them to my daughter to pass along she thought they looked good. I’m waiting for a picture of the happy (I hope!) recipient wearing them.
Have you been participating in or following the 2013 TIAS? There are only a few days left before it’s complete, leaving us with what surely must be a baby buggy (or pram if you’re on the other side of the pond).
TIAS 2013 Day 9
I’m very happy in what the TIAS is becoming. Family friends are expecting a baby later this year and I was wondering what I should make for them. I had thought about
Jane’s stork like I had done for my daughter but this will certainly be fun, too. It’s much too early to know if it will be a boy or girl so I’ll wait a little while to start one for them.
Last month I saw on Lace-Loving Librarian Diane’s blog about some
shuttles she found at Hobby Lobby. Well, guess where I was yesterday and what I found? Yes, I found them, too. And, yes, just like Diane I didn’t really
need them but I couldn’t
not buy them, could I? The left one is wood, the one in the middle is carved bone. The pink Clover is there to give a size reference. Before I try tatting with them I think I’ll take some very fine emery cloth to the middle of both of them as they don’t look all that smooth inside. That said I’m looking forward to giving both of them a test drive.

Am I done making hearts yet? I don’t know. I have made more hearts this year than I think I have for the last five years put together, but I’m having a lot of fun with them. My boss has accused me of making a different pair of earrings every day – which isn’t true, by the way – but these heart earrings are so quick and easy and fun to make that it’s almost true. And it’s fun to see them on my daughter (and her friends) that I might just have to keep on for awhile. Time will tell.
(Though I do have an idea I’d like to try that doesn’t have any hearts in it at all….)
I’m hoping to get my tatting and tea in for Tatting Tea Tuesday sometime this afternoon. I’ve been too busy yet this morning, but the day isn’t over yet! And though it is Tatting Tea Tuesday I couldn’t resist this poem.
Caffeine is my shepherd; I shall not doze.
It maketh me to wake in green pastures:
It leadeth me beyond the sleeping masses.
It restoreth my buzz:
It leadeth me in the paths of consciousness for its name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of addiction
I will fear no Equal:
For thou art with me; thy cream and they sugar they comfort me.
Thou preparest a carafe before me in the presence of The Starbucks:
Thou anointest my day with pep; my mug runneth over.
Surely richness and taste shall follow me all the days of my life:
And I will dwell in the House of Mochas forever.
~Author Unknown
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