Happy New Year! I hope you all are having a good start to 2025. It has started well for me, but I’m having trouble coming up with inspiration to write.
I haven’t done a lot of tatting since the craft show at the beginning of December. We had many things going on to get ready for family get-togethers and a trip leaving me with little time to tat. After a while, I also didn’t have the desire to tat. This happens to me frequently after an intense time of creativity. I suppose my brain needs a rest.
After Christmas, my husband and I visited our daughter in Colorado. She and her kids had made it down for the family day, but couldn’t spend more than a full day before starting back. My husband and I decided to visit them before the new year. It was a wonderful visit! We spent most of the weekend playing games with the whole family. We also took a day trip with the grandkids to Estes Park and the east side of Rocky Mountain National Park.

I did get a bit of tatting done on the drive back and forth to Colorado. Not much, but at least a shuttle was used.

While we were gone my order from Tatting Corning came, which was thread I had ordered on Lisa’s 12 Days of Christmas sale. Maybe one of them will be inspiration to tat.

Considering the weather here, I should have plenty of time to tat. We started getting icy rain at about 6:00 a.m. today, and it is supposed to continue through the night. Tomorrow it is supposed to snow all day. What better way to spend the time, right?
While we are stuck at home I should probably start taking down the Christmas things, though I’m not really ready to. They all make the house a little brighter. They also remind me of the memories made with them. This year I gave ornaments to my granddaughter and told her to decorate the tree. These ornaments included a stack of tatting, some of which I had just made, including wings for wine ornament angels. She thought the wings made wonderful decorations for the tree.

While I was busy tatting for the craft show I could think of so many things I wanted to work on besides the Christmas items. Did I write them down? No. Can I remember them now? No. I’ll start something soon, and maybe come up with what I should have written down.
What have you started your new year with?
“I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re doing something.” Neil Gaiman
Happy new Year, Lovely photos of you and the family, it looked cold,
I hope the weather will not be too bad, we had snow yesterday but it was replaced with rain this morning, I hope that all we get, I am not a snow driver, so hubby will have to drive,
I have a new lap top and I get trying to get use to it, everything seems different, so if thers any mistakes blame the lap top
Happy new year Margaret! It was cold up there, we were about 8000 feet up in the mountains with snow and wind. We didn’t stay out long! We had ice all day yesterday and snow is expected for most of the day today. We’ve also had thundersnow and blizzard conditions. The news is saying stay home unless you have no other choice. We have no place we have to go! Good luck with the new laptop, you’ll figure it out eventually.
I understand what you’re saying about losing the desire to tat after a burst of creativity. Luckily, that desire to create something beautiful with bits of thread and a shuttle seems to always come back full force! The weather here has been fairly mild. We’ve seen a little snow, and there have been a few really cold days. For the most part, though, it hasn’t been bad. Happy new year!
Happy New Year Diane! We’re on our third day of staying home due to weather conditions. Most roads are still very bad state-wide, and a lot of schools are still out. We had about six inches of snow here after about 1/2 inch of ice. And the temps are still way below freezing. It’s looking good to stay home this entire week!
Hi Wanda! Thanks for the update! Yes, those lulls in inspiration are frustrating for sure! I do try to write down my ideas and/or find an item that inspired that thought and keep it out where I can see it often so I don’t forget. Every time I look at that piece, I get excited all over again about my idea! For me, it works well! Happy New Year!
Hi Molly. I tell myself all the time to write ideas down, and then I don’t! I like your idea of keeping the item of inspiration close by to remind you. Maybe that would work better for me, too! Happy New Year!