We recently replaced the seat in my husband’s old truck. After seeing decorated springs on Pinterest, I convinced my husband to help me take out all of the springs from the old seat so I could play with them. I have had a lot of fun with them!

My versions all have tatting attached in some way. When I told my sister over the phone what I was doing, she could not visualize the concept at all. Once she saw them, she was very enthusiastic about them.

I’ve also made a lot of wings for wine cork angels. And had quite a few people volunteer to give me more corks ☺. Between the angel wings, small snowflakes, and angels, I’ve been very busy tatting and assembling ornaments. I needed tatting done for a craft show my sister and I attended.

We did this craft show because we saw how well the vendors did last year. It is not a big show, but it was well attended. The booths were about eight feet wide but only half that wide, making the set-up interesting. Unfortunately, there were very few customers to see our booth. The weather was much warmer than last year, and people just weren’t coming in, let alone shopping. It wasn’t a complete bust but I’m glad it wasn’t an expensive show. We did a good job with what we had.
The good news is I have a lot of angels and springs to give to my family for Christmas! Both the springs and the angels were big hits. And I have a lot of corks to make more angels for next year.
My sister, who started tatting again last year, decorated ball ornaments for family. She has done an amazing job!

I got one, too! Love it!
The pattern for these is from a book my sister bought at Tatting Corner last July, Tatting Christmas Decorations by Bziukiewicz. She has enjoyed this book immensely. She started with the easiest and has begun working on the more complicated ones.
How is your Christmas and holiday tatting going? Have you accomplished what you wanted?
“Tatting picots calms my rushing mind.” Gloria Nelson, Sparkling Light Creation Studio
So many beauties! Had never heard of those spring decorations either, but these so repurpose well!
Thanks, muskaan!
I love your spring decorations! We don’t have anything that is “spring loaded” around here, so I might have to figure something else out. Your wine cork angels are adorable, and the tatted ornaments are wonderful. Thanks for the inspiration! Now I need to get started on next year’s Christmas gifts!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thank you, Diane! I’m also already thinking of things for next year! Merry Christmas to you, and a happy New Year!
Beautiful! You and your sister do beautiful work and you are such an inspiration! I love your blog!
Thank you so much, Molly!