Well, it’s been awhile again since I last posted. It’s not that I don’t have anything to post about, I just haven’t sat down to do it. ‘Sigh’
I was recently asked to demonstrate tatting for two groups, one at our local senior center and also for a crochet and knitting group in a nearby town. Both demonstrations were on the same day, one in the morning and one in the evening. That worked great because I could have everything together and in the car without too many trips of carrying things in and out of the house.
The timing for the local demonstration turned out to be not so good. Several people who were particularly interested in attending had conflicting events pop up, so they could not come. It wasn’t a washout. I spent two hours talking about tatting and teaching a lady the basics. We both had fun. I gave her a shuttle and thread to take home so she could continue to work on it. Unfortunately, I didn’t get pictures of her tatting. I’ll likely do another demonstration soon when more can attend.
The other demonstration was attended by six ladies of a group that meets once a month. They meet at a city library that is a central location from where the members live, which is pretty spread out. I brought several books, shuttles, and examples to share, and worked on having a talk ready if needed. Instead, they all jumped in, eager to try tatting. One lady, Jeanne, brought in a bunch of shuttles she had ordered for the occasion. I’m not sure where she found them. Some looked like Clover shuttles but didn’t have a name on them, others were a bit larger, but again, didn’t have a name on them. I gave each of them thread for their shuttles and some for a chain, and away they went!

While they loaded their shuttles I showed them ‘the flip’ using paracord. Bethany helped hold out the cord so I could make the stitches using large shuttles my husband made for this purpose. Doing it this way is not as pretty or easy as normal, but it shows the thread change when making the double stitch. Then I went around and worked with each of them individually.

One of the ladies had to leave before I took the pictures (Lori?). What is interesting about teaching people who already do thread handcrafts is they have previously developed a way to hold the thread. Within these six ladies, I believe six different ways were used.

Thanks to Jeanne and Shana for taking pictures, and the entire Sticks and Thread group for inviting me. It was an enjoyable evening for me, and I think it was for them as well.
Later that same week my sister and I were interviewed for a county newspaper about our crafts that we will be selling at a Christmas craft show in December. The journalist is talking to several artisans who will be there, not just us. When the journalist called my sister to set up the appointment she was surprised that tatting was one of the crafts. She thought it was a ‘lost’ art. (Where have we heard that before?) My sister and I laid out some of our work for pictures and the journalist was quite impressed. The paper is supposed to come out the week of Thanksgiving (next week). Oh, boy!
I’ve also had time to tat. I’ve done a bunch of angel wings for my cork angels, but they are not stiffened or glued on. I need to do that, as well as make more snowflakes. I did have to get out another ball of white in both size 10 and size 20. I want to make a few things that aren’t white before the show, but that means I’ll have to get out a few more shuttles. I wonder if I have any empty ones?
Are you working on anything for Christmas?
“One advantage of talking to yourself is that you know at least somebody’s listening.” Franklin P. Jones
Using paracord to demonstrate flip sounds like a great idea!
Thanks, Carrie!
I taught a few tatting classes years ago and that’s how I demonstrated “the flip” – only I used some worsted yarn. The para cord would be better for sure. I just got back into my tatting after a few years off from really producing anything. I tat at church or classes to help me focus on the speaker. At home, audio books or podcasts work. I also tat in waiting rooms and at airports. It’s a great way to start a conversation. I designed a beaded forget-me-not flower ornament inspired by the beautiful beadwork made here in Interior Alaska by the Athabaskan people. I am hoping to sell some of them this summer. And of course, snowflakes are popular up here! I am going to try your Hymnal Angel using metallic DMC 3 ply thread for the wings. I’ll send a photo when I get a set completed.
I find that I focus better when I’m tatting, as well. Good luck with your sales. I would be very happy to see how the Angel works for you. Thank you for stopping by.