At this time of the year, it seems to me that the holidays are coming very fast. It doesn’t help that stores don’t seem to know what holiday it is. You can find Halloween, Thanksgiving (if you’re lucky), and Christmas goods at the same time in any given store right now. As a crafter, that’s good, so you can get started on your holiday gifts and decorations if you haven’t already. But right now I’m having trouble deciding which holiday I want to work on! They are all so enticing! This is also a time of a lot of seasonal activities.
We celebrated Reformation Day this previous Sunday. The actual day is October 31, which doesn’t fall on a Sunday this year. All Saints’ Day is November 1, which we celebrate this coming Sunday. I took my framed Luther’s Rose to services this past Sunday and had a lot of people stop to look and read it. That made me happy.

Last Friday I attended Bingo at the Legion with my sister and niece. It was Halloween-themed, so people were encouraged to dress up. My niece went all out. (She also calls the games) I just wore what I had decorated for Palmetto‘s Tat Days a few years ago. I wasn’t a specific person, but I dressed up.

Last week we attended the school play our grandson was in, ‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow’ where he was Ichabod Crane. All the cast and crew did a great job, but he was outstanding, even if I say so myself. (☺) He is also the Costume Designer. It wasn’t put on for Halloween per se, just their fall production, but the timing and theme made it so.

I can’t say that I am crafting much for Thanksgiving, but I have already got a great start on Christmas. Besides tatted snowflakes and angels, I’m doing wine cork angels. I saw this idea online but added tatting to my version.

I got carried away with making wings. I have done three or four different versions so far. I think I’m going to stay with this version as it is the right size, doesn’t take much time, and is a one-pass pattern. I have a jar of various wine corks that we have collected over time. I might as well put them to good use!
I have another jar of corks from whiskey bottles we’ve collected. They are a bit shorter than wine corks so I made a different pattern for the wings to see how they would do as angels. What do you think?

This pattern is also one pass, meaning a lot less hiding ends. I am debating about adding closed eyes to the angels but leaving the rest of the face blank. I do not have a steady hand and do not want to mess up the faces! Do they need something for the faces?
I’m glad that my hobby does not have to be done outdoors. We’ve had record high temperatures here in the Midwest, USA and high winds. It doesn’t help that we are in a drought right now as well. Yesterday, it was so dusty and brown outside! You could also smell smoke from wildfires in Oklahoma. With this much wind and dry ground fires are easily started and hard to keep from spreading. Usually, I can see fields and a tree line way past what is seen here.

My sister and I are planning to be at a craft show the first weekend of December. I’m hoping that the cork angels go over well. If they don’t, I guess I’ll have family ornaments done!
I’ve started on my holiday tatting, have you?
“Something strange happened long ago in a valley called “Sleepy Hollow.” “
The wings are adorable! The angels turned out great
Beautiful picture of you holding the Luther rose.
Thanks Marie!
Thoroughly enjoyed reading the post and seeing all the fun pics and tatting!
Thanks muskaan!