Tatted Comb

One of my granddaughters was confirmed at church last Sunday. Confirmation is not a sacrament or a divine order but is a step on the confirmand’s faith journey with study and understanding. Each confirmand wears a white robe as a symbol of the Christian’s holiness and purity in the sight of their Creator. They may also wear a corsage or boutonniere from their families. Fancy hair accessories are optional. We got her a corsage, and I also gave her a decorated comb. Of course, I didn’t start it until a week before.

I had an idea of the tatting attached to a barrette to be worn in front of her ponytail. I had the opportunity to try it on her hair the Wednesday before the event. I temporarily attached the tatting to a short hair comb to see how it would look.

Temporary hair piece on wandasknottythoughts
Temporary hair piece

I thought a few tatted tails hanging down the back might look good.

Back of the hair piece on wandasknottythoughts
Back view of the comb

The idea didn’t make it past this test. I didn’t restart quite from scratch…

Changed my mind on wandasknottythoughts
Changed my mind

I didn’t know where I was going with this at the beginning, so I didn’t think about putting beads on, or where to put them, to begin with, so the beads at the center were sewn on after instead of being incorporated in the tatting from the start. I added the rest of the beads as I tatted.

The finished hair piece on wandasknottythoughts
The finished comb

My granddaughter and her mother both were happy with the finished comb. Instead of the short comb or a barrette, I sewed the tatting onto a larger, metal comb. I’m glad I did, as one of the first things my granddaughter said was there was one tooth poking her in the head. I bent up the offending tooth and the problem was solved.

Hair comb fallen forward on wandasknottythoughts
Hair comb fallen forward

I did not put anything in the tatting to hold it down on her hair in the back, not considering that she is twelve and doesn’t sit still all that much. Over the day the tatting fell forward frequently onto her head instead of staying nicely over her hair. If you didn’t know better, maybe you would think it was supposed to be that way.

I thought I had taken at least one good picture of her wearing the comb that showed her and it off, but I was wrong. Maybe she’ll wear it again soon and I’ll get a better picture. When there aren’t so many things going on.

A friend suggested it would make a beautiful part of a wedding veil someday. I think it would, but hopefully, that’s a few years in the future!

The pattern is not complicated, even with the beads on it. I’m hoping soon to write out the pattern. It has been added to the list of patterns I need to write out.

“Life is too short to have boring hair” found on Southern Living

4 thoughts on “Tatted Comb”

    1. Thank you, Margaret! I hope she will consider it when that day comes.

  1. Such a beautiful accessory! Great job 💗
    A few strings of pearls/beads would probably hold down the edges despite movements?

    1. Thanks, Muskaan! I thought of using beads in strands around the bottom, but not until I saw what was happening. I can see options to fix it.

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