I usually take my tatting with me in my purse. Usually, I have some idea of what I have to tat with in my tatting bag. Last Sunday morning we had to leave for church early and pick up the grandkids on the way. I had almost an hour before Bible study started, time I could spend tatting. What did I have in my tatting bag? Several partially wound shuttles of miscellaneous threads and no plan.
I had been trying out a few ideas the evening before, nothing of which I wanted to continue. I had a copy of the April Endrucks game of Picot Me Endrucks “Life is Bliss Butterfly” and wound shuttles, so I worked on that during my wait.

One thread is white, the other in some shade of turquoise, both Lizbeth size 20. I wasn’t sure I would be happy with this pattern in these colors, but I think it came out great! There were a few distractions so I wasn’t very imaginative with the picots. I did add a few extra stitches on the chains of the top part of the wings so the picots stayed more distinctive. After I was done, I noticed I wasn’t mindful of the picot sizes. It still came out well. I like it!
Now I’m off to another track meet. Oh, boy. LOL!
#Endrucks1920Project #PicotMeEndrucks
This is superb! Did you intertwine two long picots? I don’t believe I’ve ever seen these before. Hope you share in the group, too. Thanks once again for another lovely version!
Thank you, muskaan! I was in a hurry to post so I didn’t go into detail.I will be posting in the group later.
Lovely butterfly, I still have not done any, I took it with to scotland, started the butterfly and found I had two different shuttles with totally different colours, that look ridiculous. and now we have a new game for May. just a bit behind
Thank you, Margaret. I’m sorry to hear you didn’t like the colors you took with you. They don’t seem to mind if you share your entry to the game a little late. I haven’t done the one for May yet, either.