It’s spring, so it must be time for another bookmark. This time of year brings many occasions for gifts, and I usually include something tatted, often a bookmark. This year, one of my grandsons and three other eighth graders are being confirmed in our church. I’m making each of them a cross bookmark to celebrate the occasion.

As usual, I couldn’t just use a pattern I already had, I had to try something different. I do fancy how the center came out with this. It is made of size 10 Lizbeth #647 Purple Iris Dark and measures 6 inches by 6 inches, almost too big for a bookmark. I’ll be making the ones for the confirmands in a smaller thread, and probably in a shade of red.
I’ve worked on this cross and a few other items, but spent more time outside this last week or two. It’s been so nice outside I don’t want to sit inside and the wind makes it challenging to tat outside. I don’t have many flowering plants to enjoy yet, but the trees are blooming.

We have two Redbud trees in our yard. I always look forward to them blooming.

My neighbor has several fruit trees at the edge of the yard. They are so beautiful when they bloom.

The apple trees are blooming a bit behind the other trees. I was afraid our tree wouldn’t bloom, but it finally is showing a few.
Once in a while, I even catch a picture of a bird. This one is from a few weeks ago. I haven’t been filling the feeders much, so I’m not seeing as many pretty ones yet this year as I’ve seen in the past.

It’s finally spring. We even had rain a couple of nights ago! Our area in Kansas has been in a drought for a while now. Most of the state is in Extreme to Exceptional drought. Any rain is welcome, and the inch we got is wonderful! Now I need to weed the flower beds and get a few flowers out. A few perennials survived the winter but aren’t ready to bloom yet. The weeds are blooming everywhere!
“If the English language made any sense, lackadaisical would have something to do with a shortage of flowers.” Doug Larson
A special gift. Love your Spring pictures.
Thanks, Jane!
Beautiful cross, I love the center very different from your other crosses.
Spring is nearly over here, although we had a very wet March, April has had a lot of rain, we are supposed to be in drought after a very dry spring and summer last year, the wind over the last few weeks has really messed up the blossoms and magnolia trees. We keep having cold snaps even with the sun shinning it’s a bitter wind out there today.
Have a good day
This new bookmark is so beautiful! When do you think the pattern will be released? I liked it on Facebook and several of my friends want me to make it for them.
Thanks! I’m working on it now. I’m hoping to have it done soon.
Thank you very much. I really appreciate it and look forward to getting it.