Lisa, at Tatting Corner, hosted her 2022 Tat Days July 7-9 in Chesterfield, Indiana. This is the first time I was able to go, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself! My husband took several days of vacation so he could go with me. We left on the 5th and took a leisurely drive to Chesterfield. I attended classes Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and he took it easy.
Every day of Tat Days could start in the shop. Anyone interested in beginner needle tatting or shuttle tatting could go early to the shop (Tatting Corner) and get lessons, or just join the tat-n-chat.

I was so busy tatting and chatting in the classes that I didn’t take many pictures. Here’s one picture of the large room we had all the classes in. We had our meals here as well.

On the evening of the 7th Mike Lyon, the Shuttle Commander himself gave a seminar on encasing tatting in resin. My husband got a picture of his back when he took a picture of me. Mike is in the background on the left. He taught several different classes during tat days. I took the one on making Dorset buttons.

Doing the resin pendants was fun. The longest part, besides the drying time, was making sure you eliminated all the bubbles before the resin hardened. Nan discovered that a light on them helped us to find those pesky bubbles.

My husband joined this seminar though I furnished the tatting. He was the designated stirrer of the resin and did a fine job. My tatting was very simple because I kept putting off making them. They still make pretty pendants. Most other tatters had tatted a bit more complex pieces. I might have to do something a bit more fancy next time.
I only finished one of my class projects while there. Well, except for hiding the ends, which I did at home. I completed two more projects on the way home, and am currently finishing the outside of the Dorset button. The hardest, most complicated one, Pearl, I’ll do after that. So far she’s looking pretty good, but I was very glad I was at the class with it, I needed the teacher’s help! I’ll be sharing that another day.
I am so happy I was able to go this year. I was able to see several people I had met at Palmetto’s Tat Days years ago and met new friends. The hardest part was remembering everyone’s names! Overall, it was a wonderful experience! Looking forward to next year. I’ll be sharing more about our trip in the next several posts. Hopefully, soon!
“The results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply.” Denis Waitley
What a wonderful experience! I look forward to seeing more of the results. I like the resin earrings. Simple motif works well!
What a wonderful time you had, I do like your pendants, and I look forward to seeing more of the work you did. Meeting other tatters must be a wonderful experience, something I never seem to do