Another snowflake

I mentioned in my last post that I didn’t complete any tatting while on vacation, which is true, but I almost did. I finished this snowflake the day after we got home.

Victor Snowflake on wandasknottythoughts
Victor Snowflake

I still had the Lizbeth #674 Garnet Dk on my shuttles while trying to decide what I wanted to do. I started the center and was very happy with it. I’m not as happy with the outside arms, probably because the dark thread made seeing the stitches hard when I didn’t have the best lighting. Which was often. The reason the arms are a bit wonky is, I suspect, incorrect stitch counts as well as different tensions. This is what happens when you put it down and pick it up at odd intervals while making it.

Overall I’m happy with this snowflake, which I’m calling Victor after where I started it. I’m thinking this might be my family Christmas ornament this year, but I could change my mind at any time.

Victor, Idaho, is a cute little town right on Idaho state highway 33, just five miles from the Wyoming state line. The town has some nice businesses, several of which we visited while there. We did find the street parking kind of odd, none of us had seen it before. All the cars have to back into the parking spots on the street.

Victor, Idaho parking on wandasknottythoughts
Victor, Idaho parking

We were asking ourselves what was going on when we spotted the sign.

Victor, Idaho parking directions on wandasknottyhtoughts
Victor, Idaho parking directions

At least they gave directions. The street is marked with a line to give you space so you can pull over in preparation for backing in. Speaking to one of my daughters when we got home I was told that she had seen this before in a business parking lot. I guess you never know what you are going to find when you travel.

“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” travel ad

6 thoughts on “Another snowflake”

  1. Lovely. Would look good as a star too. There’s a hotel near here that has back in parking. I thought the sign said reserve parking until I noticed all the cars were backed in and realized it said reverse parking.

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