In several of my recent posts I’ve talked about using a SSSCh to make points in chains (LWML Logo, Practice points, and Still on Point). I’ve shared the motifs and earrings I’ve made with them both here and on Facebook and had a lot of requests about how I did them. Ninetta Caruso has done a photo example on her blog from 7 June 2019 about making them, which is where I went to learn how to do them.
In light of all the requests, I’ve decided I’ll try something new and do a video of how I’ve done them. In the video I use a second shuttle to make the SSSCh but it can be done with finger tatting if you’d rather.

This video has no audio except for the click of the shuttle, so no sound is needed. I’d love to hear from any who watch it on how it played, if there were any problems, and if it was helpful. This is my first try at this and I’m hoping it goes well.
This is also the first time I’ve tried anything on Youtube. Look at me, doing something new and scary, LOL!
‘If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything. I’m positive that a doer makes mistakes.’ John Wooden
You make your point very clearly, thank you.
The video played beautifully for me. And, I have to compliment you on your cleverness. I’ve never thought of putting a shuttle in the loop formed by sssc or sssr! That is such a good idea!
Your video worked perfectly for me, and even without words, everything was clearly explained. Thank you.