On April 1 I was able to tat in public. It isn’t always easy to get out this year to do so, but much easier than last year. I would have like to be in a slightly better spot, but being out was better than not going at all.

I invited my sister to go with me to a local coffee shop called Norm’s. The place was pretty busy so my choice of sitting was limited. Though no-one stopped to talk, my sister and I enjoyed a lovely visit.
My sister’s birthday was several weeks ago. She found out she had been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID 19 the day before, so instead of taking her out to celebrate then, she was quarantined. The good news is she didn’t didn’t get it! So we celebrated it on International Tatting Day.
After visiting at Norm’s for a while I took her to lunch. With the last year the way it’s been, we haven’t had the opportunity to get together much. The time flew by, making the morning seem very short.
For her birthday I gave her a bracelet I made of Liz Metallic # 319 Turquoise Blue.

I like this thread but it does tat a bit different than cotton thread. I notice this a lot on the chains, especially when they are long chains. It still came out well, and she was excited to get it. This is one of her favorite colors. It is a simple pattern but the metallic thread gives it a fancy look.
We had a wonderful time and I got to tat in public. Not a bad way to spend International Tatting Day. And there was chocolate.
‘Frequent conversations will fill your heart with joy.’ From a fortune cookie
Great bracelet!! 🙂
It’s so good that you got to spend time with your sister!!
Well done for tatting in public!
How nice it is that you were able to tat in public and celebrate your sister’s birthday! The bracelet is lovely!