I don’t actually have a shuttle aisle, but I have a messy craft room that needs to be cleaned up. While going through things in my craft room I came across a bag that had a lot of miscellaneous itmes in it, including a bunch of shuttles. I need to “clean up” all of these so I can use them for other things!

Almost all of these shuttles were partially wound. Some of the threads I recognize and can match, but others are shades that are not so easily done. So what to do with them?
Some shuttles had more thread than others. There was enough on most to do more than single ring flowers and four ring butterflies, which are my go-to for snippets of thread left on shuttles. The little flowers and butterflies can easily be added to cards and notes. I did finish off a couple of shuttles with these.

But the ones with a bit more thread I put on buttons. The two small buttons are just doodles, simple things just to get around the button. These work well as accents on bags and collars. Or just to do with no purpose other than the joy of making them.

The two-color button is trying to recreate the decorated grey button that I did a couple of weeks ago. I made a couple of changes that seem to change the overall look of it, not what I had in mind. But I ran out of one of the blues. And I have a lot of threads that are shades of blue. It may be hard to match it and finish it.
The metallic doodle was not started with shuttles found in the bag. This was an idea that I got when I found the doodad in the middle as I was looking through other things in my craft room. I started it before I made last week’s decorated button. I haven’t decided if this is done or not.
I really need to do more cleanup in my craft room than I need to with the shuttles. But the shuttles are more fun!
“You never know what you have until you clean your room”
Fun way to empty shuttles and tidy up in one move.
I should do the same! I keep telling myself that I leave thread on the shuttles so that I know they have been loved. In reality, I’ve just been too lazy to use up the thread. Besides, I have an addiction to buying new shuttles! 😉
I keep saying I want to tidy up my craft room, I made a start but not got very far, you had a great find, and I would have done the same with the odd bits of thread on the shuttles,
I do like your grey design around the metal finding.