Medallion Modifications

I have been thinking about what I want to do for Christmas ornaments this year, the ones I will give to family and close friends. I’ve been surfing Pinterest, blogs, and Craftree for ideas. There are some really cool things out there, but none have them really tripped my trigger, so to speak.

In the meantime, I’ve been playing with a medallion I first made a few of years ago when I went to Palmetto Tat Days. I came up with a medallion I used in an outfit for the costume contest they had that year. I made quite a few of these for the costume and had a few that were made but didn’t get used.

Shuttle-shaped medallion on wandasknottythoghts
My Shuttle-shaped medallion

Thinking of Christmas ornaments I gave a thought to making this medallion a bit larger and adding beads. I added a few stitches to each of the rings and chains, made the joining picots big enough for beads.

Shuttle-shaped medallion first try with beads on wandasknottythoughts
Shuttle-shaped medallion first try with beads

It didn’t come out quite like I thought it would. Not that it’s bad, just not as expected. So I tried again.

Shuttle-shaped medallion with beads second try on wandasknottythoughts
Shuttle-shaped medallion with beads second try

This one didn’t come out quite like I hoped, either. Again, not bad, just not what I was hoping for.

The first one is closer to the shape I was looking for but was open in the center. The second one just didn’t keep the shuttle shape as much as I’d like.

Shuttle-shaped medallions, all three on wandasknottythoughts
Shuttle-shaped medallions, all three

I did succeed in making them larger, and I do like them with beads. I’m just not sure this is what I want to make as Christmas ornaments this year.

I used size 10 Lizbeth threads on all of these, so it is obvious that I did get the goal of making them bigger right. They just didn’t meet all of my goals. I’m not saying I don’t like them, they just didn’t come out quite like I was looking for. But I now have two modified medallions to hang around the house. Or maybe at work. This was not a waste of time. But when is tatting anything a waste of time?

The hunt continues for what I want to make for Christmas ornaments. Are you tatting anything for Christmas this year?

“Most discoveries even today are a combination of serendipity and of searching.” Siddhartha Mukherjee

3 thoughts on “Medallion Modifications”

    1. Susan, I’m happy that you have visited my blog. The pattern is mine, and I haven’t posted it yet.

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