Patriotic tatting

Independence Day has come and gone and I finally am posting a bit of patriotic tatting.

Red, White, and Blue for the 4th 2019

We traveled to western Kansas for some 4th of July family time this year. It was about a 2 1/2 hour drive each way, plenty of time to get a bit of tatting done. At least on the way out; I had to drive for a while on the way back. We had a wonderful time visiting with family we only see every couple of years.

I have trouble sometimes tatting with red, white, and blue threads. I want to get all three colors in without getting too busy with it. This time I used a button for the white and alternated with red and blue thread. It was a challenge to tat this in the car; I kept getting the four shuttles tangled as the car swayed and bumped down the road. I am pleased with how it turned out, though it might work better next time with a smooth button. I used Lizbeth threads #671 and #707 Sky Blue Dark in size 20. I’m working on writing up the pattern.

I have tatted quite a bit recently even if you haven’t seen me post. I’ve been having trouble with my picture program. It acts like it’s opening and then doesn’t. I finally paid more attention as it started and noticed that it shows the wrong version trying to open. I plan on calling the help desk about it when I have an uninterrupted few minutes, though I’m not sure when that will be. Until then I am using an older program which works okay, it just doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of the other. And then when I tried to add the picture to this post it put it in sideways, even though it didn’t show as sideways. The third time it finally showed up correct.

Looking forward to having my picture program start working! Maybe I’ll post sooner!

“The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults. Alexis de Tocqueville

9 thoughts on “Patriotic tatting”

    1. Thanks! I do a lot of tatting while my husband drives, but some patterns are easier to do than others.

  1. This is beautiful !!!
    I sometimes face this problem of a photo showing up sideways in the post, though it is fine otherwise. My simple solution is to rotate it a complete 360 deg and then upload again. Don’t ask me why, but it works ;-D

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