One of the graduates mentioned the Easter Cross I made would look good as a bookmark. Who am I to argue?

I have noticed that purple is a favorite color, so I made one in Lizbeth #641, Lilac Dark, in size 20. Other than a bit of trouble closing the large Self-Closing Mock Ring at the bottom it came out well. The recipient loved it!

I’m very proud of my daughter for graduating college!
We have also attended a play, a concert, a soccer game, and a birthday lunch in the last twelve days. Considering both my husband and I work full time with a lot of overtime, we have been kept exceedingly busy. And May is not over yet!
I still have a couple of graduation gifts to finish. Both graduates live some distance away so cards will have to be mailed. Isn’t it great that tatting can fit so nicely inside cards?
“too busy” is a myth. People make time for things that are really important to them.” Mandy Hale The Awesome Quotes
I do love that tatted gifts are so easy to mail! I do like your cross as a bookmark. May is just zipping along, isn’t it?
Phew, you’re in a whirlwind, sounds like fun! I like your quotation, I’ve often thought that myself.
Great cross, yes it’s so good tatting can be posted so easily.
You have been busy, hope the rest of the month will be a bit slower.
I’m like you, the month of May is a busy tatting gifts one. This year I’ve got a surprise wedding in the mix so that’s a hanky too! I love the bookmark, it’s really simple yet beautiful.
And your quote is dead on!!