Yes, I have a list of things I’ve thought about tatting, several things I’ve contemplated making. This week none of them sounded appealing to start, though I wanted to tat. But tat what and in what color? Maybe something simple that is easy to carry around. Edgings can be simple, which sounded like a nice project. But to put on what?
I have a couple of these little yogurt glass jars. A friend of mine introduced me to the yogurt that comes in these, and like her feel that they could/should be used in some way. I guess now would be a good time to do something with one.

I have quite a bit of thread but usually end up using the same colors over and over instead of looking through my stash for anything else. This blue that I used, Lizbeth #652 Royal Blue, is no different – it was handy.
With this simple pattern, I only needed to do two things: decide how long the chains should be and how many repeats to go around the jar.
I happily tatted about half of the edging while at home with my feet up, enjoying listening to music. The next day I took it with me to tat while waiting for the oil to be changed in my car. I was pretty sure I’d finish it while there but I needed to make sure it was the right length.
So I took the jar with me. Yes, I have that kind of purse, one with plenty of room to carry this jar.

See how pretty the jar is with tatting? Okay, tatting makes almost everything pretty. But it changes the plain container into a lovely candy dish.
I have several more of these jars. Maybe I should make a set. I suppose they would make nice gifts, too. Especially with some lovely colored chocolate covered candies inside, right?
“I think people always want candy, whether you’re a kid or an adult.”
Dylan Lauren
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Disclaimer: The jars are from Yoplait French Style Yogurt “oui”. I have not received any type of compensation for mentioning it.
I’ve just discovered these two weeks ago! I have a stash and fulled intended to do this!
What a great idea!
I like the jar and a great idea to re use and make something else from it, Call it recycling tatting style.
Great idea! I have three of those jars sitting on my kitchen counter, just waiting to be decorated. I just may follow your lead!