I know I have enough shuttles for them all, but where are they?
I’ve gone through drawers, bags, and boxes trying to find them. What I found are multiple projects that I haven’t completed still attached to the shuttles I was working with at the time. Some projects I left alone, others I unwound the thread from the shuttles and wrapped it on bread ties. Quite a few shuttles had thread on them but no work attached. If there was only a small amount of thread I tatted flowers and butterflies to empty them; if there was a significant amount I wound it off onto bread ties. Several projects were in dreadful shape, tangle with other threads. How did they get that way?

During my quest, I found this cute little box with compartments. I think it is part of a tackle box that was never used. Yet. Seems perfect for three Clover shuttles and one Aerlit shuttle with spare bobbins.

I expect I’ve found enough shuttles for my trip now. 🙂
As I was searching for my shuttles I kept humming a tune without really noticing what it was. When I stopped and thought about it I realized it was “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” I couldn’t resist re-writing it a bit. It doesn’t have the emotional feelings of the original, or circle ’round to the beginning again as the original does, but this did keep circling around in my head.
Where Have All My Shuttles Gone?
Where have all my shuttles gone?
Long time passing
Where have all my shuttles gone?
Long time ago
Where have all my shuttles gone?
Gone for projects every one
When will I ever learn?
When will I ever learn?
Where have all my projects gone?
Long time passing
Where have all my projects gone?
Long time ago
Where have all my projects gone?
Hidden in boxes every one
When will I ever learn?
When will I ever learn?
Original song “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” by Pete Seeger
Love the song!!! I’m sorry not to be going to Palmetto this year.
Hurry and find those shuttles. Can’t wait to see you again in Georgia. It appears you are also quite the songwriter!
Good song! I’m glad you found enough shuttles to take with you. Sounds a good idea to have a clear up and find all the shuttles.
Wow! I just found some of my shuttles, and you did too!! 🙂
I love the tatting piece in the center of the first picture and the bottom left of the second-the orange tatting around what seems to be black centers, looks like a great start to something!!! 🙂
Have a wonderful trip!!!! 🙂
Thanks, Sue! I’m looking forward to the trip. Yes, that orange tatted thing was a try at an owl. That’s as far as I got, it was too complicated. Not saying I won’t re-visit it at some point but I’ve been pretty busy lately. I’m still looking for shuttles to take with me.