Today is Flag Day in the United States. This day commemorates the adoption of the Stars and Stripes by Congress as the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777. It has been a beautiful day to fly the flag, at least the way we have it at our house. There has been minimal wind today letting it display its colors nicely. On a flagpole, it would be a bit harder to make out the stars and stripes as it hangs a bit limply without enough breeze to unfurl.
It’s hot today, letting us know that summer has arrived indifferent to the calendar. In fact, the last few days have been hot though much, much windier than today. With wheat harvest is in full swing the reduced wind is much appreciated. All that wind carries a lot of wheat dust with it.

In honor of the day I tatted a red, white, and blue bookmark. The picture gives the impression the bookmark is made with split rings but it is just rings and chains. I did make the second picot of each ring very small so it would look as much the same as the opposite side as possible. Originally this was going to have some kind of tail though it looks good without one.

This bookmark was tatted with Lizbeth size 20 threads #654 Navy Blue, #671 Christmas Red, and #601 White. I need to keep them handy, Independence Day is only a few weeks away. I’m thinking of making a pair of patriotic earrings for the occasion.
I could change my mind, though.
I love your bookmark, I may pinch your idea for the 4th July but for me it’s a birthday for you it’s a public Holiday.,
We don’t have a flag day but I love the way you fly your flag with pride.
Thank you, Margaret. Whatever I get done I’ll be sharing. I’d love to see if you make any earrings for your birthday. May you have a wonderful birthday!
Great bookmark!! 🙂