An Unexpected Gift

I received a unexpected gift in the mail a couple of months ago: a padded envelope with no return address.  Wrapped in several layers of padding was an old metal shuttle.
Pretty tatting shuttle from my aunt on wandasknottythoughts
Pretty tatting shuttle from my aunt

A sweet aunt of mine found it in her sewing box.  She’s not sure how long she had it. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t tat, either, but she knows I do and sent it to me.

It is a post shuttle with etchings on both sides but no company markings.   There are gaps at both tips. Size 10 and 20 thread do not come unwound when the shuttle is hung to untwist the thread if done with care.  I’m surprised but happy at this, the gaps look big.  One end has a sharp point that looks bent, which I can’t decide if this is original or the last tatter bent it this way.  It works great as a pick.  The other end has been flattened a bit; I’m guessing this is not the original look.  The shuttle has no rust or any other blemishes.

I don’t know how old this is.  Who knows how long my aunt had it or if it was new when she got it?  It doesn’t really matter, it is a wonderful gift, which I appreciate very much.

I’m working on a small doily to send her as a thank you.  It’s the least I can do, don’t you think?

“The best gifts are those we not only cherish but put to use.” Les Brown           


5 thoughts on “An Unexpected Gift”

  1. It’s amazing how many tatting shuttles are lurking in sewing boxes. That’s why I learnt to tat, there was one in my mother’s sewing box that she certainly never used. I’m glad this one is in now in use!

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