“Martha” doily © Wanda Salmans
Tatted by Wanda Salmans
I almost didn’t enter anything into the Kansas State Fair this year but at the last minute – the first day you had to pay a late entry fee – I decided to. I didn’t have time to make more than one item but I found two places I could enter tatting. There is only one tatting class and then there is a class for holiday decorations in any fiber medium. For the tatting class I entered the Martha doily I made back in February. I am excited that I got first place but very disappointed in how very few entries there were. A grand total of three.
Judging is done against a standard as well as against other entries, so they do not have to give out ribbons if the items do not meet those standards – finished nicely, clean, even stitches (though the judge might not know tatting they probably know knitting and crochet or other lace-making techniques.) It is subjective to a point. But the judge still liked mine enough to give a blue. That makes me happy.
My pumpkin holiday decoration came in third. Considering there were more entries and they were in different mediums I’m pretty happy with the result.

“Autumn Pumpkin” © Mark Meyers
Wall hanging by Wanda Salmans
Here is a picture of the other holiday entries. I’m not sure where the blue ribbon – 1st place – item is, I didn’t see one with anything. Maybe they got a best of class or show and was put in a different place. (My granddaughter wouldn’t get out of the way for me to take a picture but wouldn’t hold still either.
Holiday Decorations at the Kansas State Fair 2015
My granddaughter did like the second place entry, a crow holding a basket with a watermelon theme. There was another similar crow with a sunflower theme but I couldn’t tell if they were supposed to be together or if someone else had a similar entry. They were both cute.
Overall I was disappointed in how few entries there were throughout the domestic arts categories. The last time I was there I seem to remember quite a few more of about everything – quilts, crochet, knitting, all of that. I have told myself that I must enter more things in the fair next year. I did go to another building that had categories that I think I could find a way to enter with tatting – I’ll have to give it some thought over the year.
“It is nice to have valid competition; it pushes you to do better.”
Gianni Versace
Congratulations 😀
Both your tatted pieces are beautiful.
But your post made me wonder how many youngsters are taking up the craft(s) . Have our own children taken it up ?!
Good point. I have one daughter that has taken up knitting. She and I went to the fair together and she showed interest in maybe doing something next year. It wouldn't be for the Kansas state fair as she lives out of state, but any fair would be good.
Congratulations! And think too that you have probably increased someone's awareness of tatting by having your items in it.
I LOVE the pumpkin, it's quite well done!
Thanks! That is the main reason I decided to enter, to show what can be done with tatting.
Congratulations so happy for you and that is the way my fair in Tennessee was last year, not many contenders too. Love the doily and pumpkin!
Thank you! A couple of years ago when I went there were at least a dozen entries in tatting. I didn't expect a lot but I thought more than there was.
Congrats. It's a beautiful motif. : )
Thanks! 🙂
Congratulations!! I think both of yours are fabulous!!! 🙂
Thank you!
Well done on both ribbons and tatting.
Thank you!
Congratulations! Good thing you did manage to enter at the last minute or there would've been even fewer entries.
Thanks! Yes, it would have been a very sad showing. I hoping for more next year.
Congratulations :). Both are lovely!
Thank you very much.
Congratulations! I admit I've failed to enter anything in the fair for several years now. I made the commitment this year to be prepared to enter some tatting in several different categories next year.