Craft show

The craft show was a success!
I was very happy with how the craft show turned out. A lot of people came to the show, many willing to spend money (at least at our booth!) I’m always happy when I sell enough to cover the cost of the booth at a show, and Saturday was much better 🙂

My booth a little before the start of the show.  I did a little rearranging and straightening before it started.
I displayed snowflakes and spool ornaments on a small tree. It drew a lot of attention; the picture doesn’t do it justice.
A view of the gym after things slowed down a bit.
Usually during a craft show I keep a small tatting project handy to work on during slow times, which also has a tendency to draw people over to see what you are doing.  This show I never had a chance to even get it out of my purse. I wasn’t always selling something – I spoke to a lot of people about who they knew/know that tats and the possibility of them someday learning themselves, even a few that actually tat.  I lost track of how many business cards I handed out to prospective students. ***happy dance***
This Thursday is Thanksgiving here in the United States.  We’ll be having family over to our house on Thursday when we’ll be having roast beef, but we’re cooking the turkey for another big family dinner on Saturday.  I’m looking forward to seeing family as well as all the food 🙂
While going through some of my old tatting papers looking for patterns the other day I found a small photo album that I used to keep small samples of my tatting in many years ago.  I found this turkey doodle with a date of 1992.  It’s cute, quick, and timely so I made a few for the holiday.  I think I’ll put a pin back on these and give them to a few of my family.  Or maybe use them for table decorations as place markers or something.  They are made with size 20 Lizbeth thread and are less than an inch tall.
May you all have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
“Not what we say about our blessings but how we use them, is the true measure of our Thanksgiving.”
W.T. Purkiser

5 thoughts on “Craft show”

  1. Oh that looks so good but need a close up of the tree 🙂 I love the turkeys and saw them on the internet somewhere and was thinking of making them, but it is little too late now! Great post and glad you had fun!

  2. Well done, your tree looks beauitful, it's best to display the snowflakes somehow so people can see them hanging up and how they will look on their tree. I have a piece of a branch, to hang mine on.
    Happy thanks giving day

  3. Your table and tree look great, and I love the little turkeys!
    So glad you enjoyed the event and made a big impression on all the visitors!
    Even when we have 'lulls' in visitors passing by, I'm not able to concentrate on tatting even simple motifs, although the other gals have no problem doing that!
    I also might wander around the other vendor booths for a few minutes, although I carry my shuttle with me for an impromptu demo!

    We'll be attending our two major events during the next two weekends, so I have to get my displays and costume ready to go!

  4. I'm behind in my blog reading (again) – congrats on the success of this event! Everything looks just fabulous – you did a great job setting the stage 🙂

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