Vacation tatting

We just got back from a wonderful vacation to Colorado.  This year we went to the Granby area instead of the Buean Vista area where we have gone for the last several years. 
It was wonderful!  And the trees were absolutely gorgeous while we were there!
I, of course, took tatting with me.  I didn’t have a tatting plan when we left home so I took a variety of threads with me, including Lizbeth #136, Autumn Spice in size 20.  I thought it was a perfect choice for making zipper pulls for my purse.  I lost the last original pull on my purse just after we got there, so it was a needful project. I had also taken split rings and hooks, which came in very handy.
The pull on the right is the first one I made, the others are similar but with a few differences.  I thought they came out well, and look great on my purse.

I actually made four pulls, all in the same colorway.  This one went to a friend who needed a pull for a light jacket.  This one is the only duplicate I made, I guess because it was the easiest and I liked it the best. 
My husband snapped a picture of me tatting by the shore of Grand Lake, where he was fishing.  We had just finished hiking to Adams Falls and were enjoying the beautiful area.  There were picnic tables available to sit at but they were in the sun.  It was much warmer there than usual, so sitting in the shade was much more preferable.
The hike to Adams Falls is very easy and beautiful. The following pictures are from our hike there. There are not that many aspens here, having more pines than anything, so the colors from the aspens really stand out.  If you are in the area I highly recommend this hike.

“In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.”

11 thoughts on “Vacation tatting”

  1. Ooh, I like the idea of tatted zipper pulls. Colorado looks beautiful – glad you had some nice hiking. I know someone that just moved to Buena Vista!

    1. Not a lot of hiking – the air is pretty thin for us flatlanders 🙂 Colorado is beautiful, you should try visiting your friends in Buena Vista, it's a nice little town. If you like pizza and/or beer try visiting one of the Eddy Line restaurants there.

  2. Really enjoyed reading of your lovely Colorado trip. The zipper pulls are terrific! I have a change purse in need of a zipper pull…inspiration!

    I just finished re-reading one of your posted from (I think) 2010 about a wonderful bookmark you made from Heidi Sunday's Pumpkins on a Vine edging. Remember that project? This time of year I always tat a bit of Pumpkins on a Vine (it is one of my favorite Autumn patterns)…another FAB read!

    Enjoy your Tatting Tea Tuesday!

  3. Zipper pulls are a quick and rewarding tat, and they look good. too!
    I was just thinking about that Pumpkins on a Vine bookmark, too. It must be that time of year 🙂

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