The 2014 TIAS continues
The most often guessed is a sail boat but I’m not sure, Jane can be pretty sneaky! (in a good way!) Whatever it is we are more than halfway through.
I have been tatting but don’t have pictures of what I’ve spent the most time on. I do have this little piece made with Coats Cotton Machine Quilting thread. I don’t really have a plan for this piece but I had the thread with me (why? I found it in a drawer and stuck it in my box…) so thought I’d try working with it.
And it was very trying. I usually tat with size 20 thread and I’ve got a project going in size 10, so working with this was quite a chore. I would get about three rings and a chain done then break the thread on the next ring. Today I very consciously made my stitches and pulled the rings closed very carefully. Success! The thread didn’t break!
Last week Tuesday I didn’t have to go to work due to snow and bad roads. We got somewhere between eight and ten inches by the time it was done. And it hasn’t melted yet! Which is very unusual around here. Then Sunday night we got another two inches. But the sun is shining today and they say we’ll get above freezing maybe tomorrow. By Sunday it should be in the 60’s (ºF) and the snow mostly gone.

image from Pinterest
Hehehe, so you are still dabbling in the tinies! Me too! Challenging aren’t they?
Fox : )
You have joined Fox with her tiny thread, look forward to seeing how you get on.
Hope you say safe in the snow
Hello Wanda,
I am so amazed at your work here, oh my! So tiny and so gorgeous! Do you not know what it is before you start???
The tatting you share is even smaller! I have some old pieces of tatting, and have always wondered how it is done. I can only imagine it is challenging! lol!
I am so glad you found Tea Cup Tuesday, we would love it if you joined in, you could even add this post as it mentions tea, has a tea pic and a tea quote!
When I first started out tatting long ago, before needle tatting, I had to use that very fine tatting thread which was smaller than the quilting thread you are using now. I could not teach myself and the booklet I had was very difficult to understand and follow. But then one day I was watching a TV ( a craft show) and I saw someone using a needle to tat, they said it was the newest thing. Well I looked high and low ( no internet at the time) for that needle and finally settled on using a long doll needle, which really did not work because the eye was too big ! Oh what a time I had, I would try using a vintage shuttle I bought at a flee market and still could not do it. By the way, I have wanted to tat since I was about 7 or 8 years old. And behold ! One day I was shopping around in Joann's fabric store and saw a package with a book called Learn Needle Tatting, it had one # 5 needle and I bought # 10 crochet thread, I finally learned how to needle tat, then I got very busy with sewing customers and my job so I had to put it down for awhile, then one day I picked it up and tatted again , it was difficult to follow patterns but I just happened to get a newsletter from Handy Hands and it had a beautiful cross on the first page, it took me about a month to get it but I haven't stopped tatting since. Just recently, January 2014 I bought some shuttles and started shuttle tatting. I have been using size 20 since and following Janes TIAS and I have learned so very much doing that and visiting everyone's blogs.
I'm also new at blogging. So hello and it's very nice to meet you.
My blog is at. ——
🙂 Have a delightful day !