Zipping along

Or would that be ‘pulling along’ if you’re making zipper pulls?
Or maybe they’re stitch markers. Stitching along?
Whatever they may be I made them this week.  
 Lizbeth #166 Pink Cocoa in size 40
I even glued a bead in the center.  We’ll see how long it lasts 🙂
Oren Bayan Perle Kotton size 8
These were fun to make and the ladies at open stitch at Odd Balls really liked them.  It’s always a plus for me when other people like what I’ve made – not the be-all, end-all, but definitely a plus. 
I have been working on my vest but don’t have anything I want to share yet.  The collar went fast and made me happy, the body not so much.  I’ve made several tries but am not that excited about any of them.  I’ll keep at it until it works.
IsDihara, over at Ambitatterous, is having a drizzly day.  She shared some of the beautiful flowers in her neighborhood from the last week.  Looks lovely!  Here in Kansas we are having a wonderful day – sunshine and temperatures in the 80’s (F) though the wind is blowing about 25 mph with gusts a bit more.  But for here it’s a great day!  Until tomorrow when it’s supposed to be much cooler with rain and possible storms.  I think the snow is supposed to stay up in the northwest corner of the state though.  
“Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”
Napoleon Hill

4 thoughts on “Zipping along”

  1. Those are nice pulls. I have some hooks that I have been meaning to use for this very type of thing, just one more thing on the list.

  2. Lovely zip pulls, lovely patterns.
    I have left a comment about my garden on her blog, we are not as far advanced this year as that. They are still have snow in Scotland, we have had two beautiful days of sunshine and its really a pleasure to see the sun again.

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