Of teapots and hearts

For Tatting Tea Tuesday today I’m enjoying my very first Tea-for-One teapot.  My oldest daughter and her family gave it to me for my birthday along with a tin of Tazo Refresh Mint tea, which she knows I like. 

She’s seen that I’ve started drinking more tea in the last few years and supports it by furnishing me tea once in awhile.  This time it was with the whole teapot as well.  She is so sweet!  It’s it pretty?  (I’m going to have to have a slightly larger space to place my tea cup by my tatting chair though – it’s a bit wider than the mugs I usually use.)

Speaking of sweet, Michelle over at Tela Magistrae has recently tatted a couple of my patterns, Christmas Snowflake 2010, which is on my pattern page, and then the heart  that I posted about last week.  She likes the pattern but not the result she got due to the colors she used (it looks white on my computer).  Check it out, I think she did a great job.  Thanks, Michelle!

As the pattern seems to be workable I’m sharing that with everyone now. Check it out on the Patterns page.

Joy’s Heart © Wanda Salmans 2012

There are a couple other hearts that I have made over the last several years that I’m working on the patterns for.  I hope to have them done very soon.  
I invite you to have a cup of tea today for Tatting Tea Tuesday, it will warm your heart. 
I’m a little teapot,
Short and stout,
Here is my handle, 
Here is my spout,
When I get all steamed up, 
Hear me shout,
Tip me up and pour me out!

By George Harold Sanders and Clarence Z. Kelley

8 thoughts on “Of teapots and hearts”

  1. I thought Michelle's heart bookmark looked great, and it seemed you would be posting the heart pattern 'soon' , and here it is already! This is very nicely shaped and looks like a quick tat, which I hope to do soon! Thank you so much!

    It would seem your birthday was 'recent', and your teapot collection continues to grow! This one is very pretty! Although I know you're always busy, I hope you are enjoying a quieter time' after the holidays !

  2. Color me green with envy over your tatting and tea gifts…they are terrific! Can't wait to tat your new heart. (…must…finish…Gingerbread Boy…)

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