Three things, actually. They say that things happen in threes, and they did!
Yesterday I made a list of what I had, put it in a box with my tatting and left for work early so I could stop at the shop on the way. A few miles down the road I realized I didn’t have the tree and had to turn around and go back home to get it. (Funny #1)
I ran in the house for the tree, then on the way out I pulled the house door shut – and the door knob came off in my hand. After some work I got it back on, kinda sorta, and left again. I called my husband to let him know that he had a little project when he got home from work. (Funny #2)
I live out in the country and take the Interstate to Wichita to work, passing through Newton on the way. Odd Balls is in a mall just south of Newton. I drive this every day. But yesterday, before I get to Newton, I hear and feel this “THUMP!” while I’m driving. No, it wasn’t a deer. It was a tumble weed, a big one, that tumbled out in front of me as I was driving 75 miles an hour. I slow down but the thing just hangs on. I have to pull over, put my flashers on and get out to pull it our of the front grill of the car. A highway patrolman just happened to see the attack and stopped over to make sure I was okay, which I was. (Funny #3)
I was just glad that was the last “funny” for the day. I had been a bit worried that my entire day at work would follow suit, but it didn’t. The evening passed quite uneventfully.
Today for Tatting Tea Tuesday I had a cup of – Hot apple cider. It’s not that the weather is cold here, it just sounded good. I found these cute mugs at Dillon’s and have decided that I’m going to use them for everyday instead of just special occasions. I’m bad about saving nice or pretty things for “special occasions” and they sit in the cabinet and never get used. Not this year!
I’m trying out some new thread that Odd Balls carries. It’s a rayon thread, which is very different than cotton, about a size 12. It’s a very pretty purple shade that feels very nice to work with. The biggest problem is that it’s soft and rayon. If the stitches are tight rings do not close completely. I’ve been working with it, practicing rings and I’m getting the hang of it. I’m hoping it works out because I’ve seen some very pretty things made with this brand of thread. Any body else tried it?
I haven’t gotten any snowflakes done yet, I keep getting side-tracked! Okay, okay, Wanda, stop procrastinating and get on with it!!!
“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand – and melting like a snowflake.”
Francis Bacon, Sr.
Interesting story of how you got your items over to the shop! I hope you'll get lots of sales.
Me, too!
Wow what a day, did the tumble weed do any damage, And what is tumble weed sorry for asking but this UK lady has never heard of it.
Lovely colour thread I look forward to seeing what you do with it and how it works out.
I hope the shop gives you lots of sales, I have been putting bits in my local wool shop for some time and they get quite a lot of interest back in the summer they had a tent at the mid Somerset show and I was asked to do a tatting demo, I sold a some and had a good day, the table cost me nothing sometimes it pays to be in with a shop.
No, the tumbleweed didn't do any damage, just startled me. Tumbleweeds are another name for Russian thistle. It's a large, round plant, that when mature breaks off and is blown by the wind long distances. We have a lot of wind around here. Tumbleweeds are common from around here to way north, way south and to the west coast. There are even tumbleweed farms that will ship them anywhere in the world for movies, pictures, and decorations!
I, too, am hoping I get a lot of sales at the store.
That little motif is beautiful!! 🙂
Ha! Good thing the funnies were just that instead of worse! Good luck with that great opportunity to sell some tatting.
I haven't used rayon thread, but it sounds like with the right tension it would be really pretty.
I thought so, too! It started off well at the store, hope it continues.
I was relieved that all of those situations ended well! But what a saga! The tumbleweed thing is certainly unusual, for those of us who don't have tumbleweeds rolling around; but it sounds quite scary! (What about at night? How could you see them?) So glad you're okay. I certainly would have been worried about the rest of the day, too!
That's so great that your work will be seen at the shop! I'm sure it will generate an interest in tatting! Might this lead to your teaching tatting there? The thread is very pretty but it does sound like it's tricky to work with. I've never seen that brand.
The shop owner has already asked if I would be interested in doing tatting classes. The big issue will be timing because of my work schedule. Now, if I could only make a living at tatting and teaching tatting…:-)