Angel revisited

 Remember my angel from a couple of weeks ago?  I liked how it came out and thought I’d try making another, but hopefully learning from my experience.   It did come out slightly different than the original.

Second angel
Can you see the differences?
First angel
I hadn’t really measured the material when I made the first angel.  When I made the second angel I thought I had made it the same size, but it obviously wasn’t quite.  It made the body/gown a bit narrower.  I didn’t find that a bad thing, so I continued. 
The wings are the same, the halo the same, I used the same size beads.  I did make a few changes, though, other than the gown.  For the hem I used graduating picots to give it a more – frilly? – effect.  The neck rings have different stitch counts and the front is longer with a larger ring at the bottom. This time when I made the neck/front I attached it to the wings before attaching to the body (the front wasn’t an afterthought this time!). It worked much better and I didn’t have a twisted picot, either. 
I look at each one and like them both, sometimes one more than the other, then change my mind.  I plan on making several more but I’m not sure just which way to go on them.  Which one do you like better?  And why?  
I am working on the pattern for the angel, starting with the wings – which have stayed the same – but haven’t got it done yet.  If you’re interested. 
Speaking of angels…
My granddaughter is going to be an angel for Halloween this year.  She had to show off her costume to Grandma and Grandpa while we visited this weekend. I can’t make one that is as cute and sweet as she is! 🙂
“These things I warmly wish for you:
Someone to love, some work to do,
A bit o’ sun, a bit o’ cheer,
And a guardian angel always near.”
– Irish blessing

7 thoughts on “Angel revisited”

  1. I like all your angels. The third one is a darling.
    I like the more scalloped hem on the second one, and the elongated neck chain and rings almost looks like arms and folded hands.
    but they are both very nice.

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