Pretty Kitty pattern by Nancy Tracy © 2006
I’m still tatting for my granddaughter. I thought this cute little kitty from Be-stitched by Nancy Tracy would look nice on a dress I bought for her. These are made in Lizbeth #641 Lilac Dark, size 20.
Here is one of them on the dress. The dress originally came with a crocheted purple flower on it but I took it off and put on the kitty. I have nothing against crochet, I just wanted some tatting on it instead.
The other kitty was supposed to go on a cup for my grandson, this little girl’s big brother, but somehow or other it disappeared. Maybe it had other places it wanted to be. That’s okay, the kitty is quick and easy to make so it won’t take long to make another one. This kitty actually gave me a reason to try out my Handy Hands thread holder I got from Tabatha. I do so many patterns that take two shuttles I haven’t had need of the holder yet. It is pretty cool to use, by the way. I still need to add a wrist ribbon – or something – but it worked great in the car.
Dragonfly pattern by Jon 2010
I made these dragonsflies from a pattern by Jon. Aren’t they cute? (Have you seen the butterflies at the top of her blog – those are next!) The purple one is made with the Lizbeth #641 size 20 – hey, I still had thread on my shuttle from the kitties:-) – with bronze-colored beads of unknown origin and size. The other is made from Lizbeth #144 Leaf Swirl, size 20 with green beads, again of unknown origin and size. This green and white one is for my mother for her birthday. I’m planning on adding it to a pin to add to one of her hats. I bought some hat pins a while back just for this purpose and now I want to use them I can’t find them anywhere! I still have a couple of days to look, but I do have a backup plan if I can’t find them.
I had hoped that I could show the pin completed and the cup for my grandson today but I guess they’ll be for another day. I still have another outfit to decorate for my granddaughter as well that isn’t quite done. Thank goodness none of these projects are all that big. There is hope that all of them will be done by next Tatting Tea Tuesday.
Today I actually drank some tea before I started on the coffee. It was just Country Peach from Celestial Seasonings, a nice start for a cool morning.
May is Celiac Awareness Month. I mention this because, though I have not been officially diagnosed with this by a doctor, I definitely have either this or a severe gluten intolerance. My daughter is the one who actually diagnosed this when I had a lot of issues a couple of years ago. My doctor had no clue what caused all my problems but when I followed my daughter’s advice it was like flipping a switch on how much better I felt. This is a disease described at as:
Disease (CD) is a lifelong
inherited autoimmune condition that affects both children and
Disease (CD) is a lifelong
inherited autoimmune condition that affects both children and
adults. When people who have CD eat foods that contain gluten, it causes an immune
reaction that
reaction that
results in damage
to the small intestine and does not allow
nutrients to be properly absorbed.
Damage can be present in the small intestine even when there are no symptoms. Currently, the only treatment is
strict adherence
to the gluten-free diet.
to the small intestine and does not allow
nutrients to be properly absorbed.
Damage can be present in the small intestine even when there are no symptoms. Currently, the only treatment is
strict adherence
to the gluten-free diet.
Gluten is the
common name for the proteins in specific grains that are harmful to persons
with celiac disease. These proteins are
found in ALL forms of wheat (including durum, semolina, spelt, kamut, einkorn and faro)
and related grains rye, barley and triticale and MUST
be eliminated.”
common name for the proteins in specific grains that are harmful to persons
with celiac disease. These proteins are
found in ALL forms of wheat (including durum, semolina, spelt, kamut, einkorn and faro)
and related grains rye, barley and triticale and MUST
be eliminated.”
(Yes, I’m on a strict gluten free diet. I even have to watch the ingredients of some Teas!)
“Old age is not a disease – it is strength and survivorship, triumph over all kinds of vicissitudes and disappointments, trial and illnesses.”
Maggie Kuhn
I really like the kitty cats. Thanks for the Celiac info.
I too have celiac disease
i don't have that… but i know a great website where her family has to eat within those limits and most of the food is delish! its they have to be gluten free
I love your kitty's and the dragonflies are also beautiful
Hi, Wanda,
The kitties are so cute! Great embellishment for a little girl’s wardrobe…
The colours in the butterfly photo are so lovely. The green is wonderful.
Fox : )
I really love the kitties! So adorable!
I know several people that while they don't "officially" have Celiac's, they definitely have an intolerance (as diagnosed by a naturopath) and they all say that once they started following her dietary advice the symptoms they had disappeared/diminished and only returned when they slipped on the gluten.
Your kitties and dragonflies are all so sweet!!
The kitties and dragonflies are darling – I love it on the dress!
I know a couple of folks with celiac. Fortunately, there is so much more information out there now than there was 10 years ago, and the co-ops and health food stores have so much gluten-free food now too. Even Trader Joe's! Good luck – you have a smart daughter