Tatting for little boys

I have two grandsons and have been thinking of things to tat for them.  Little girls are easier I think.  You can do things for their hair, their dresses, their socks (Fox has done some really cute ones), all kinds of things.  But boys aren’t usually into the frilly things, and my grandsons aren’t old enough to really appreciate bookmarks.  I’ve thought of several things, like pillow cases with critters on them (haven’t done one yet) and maybe things to hang on the wall (haven’t done that yet, either).  One thing I was going to do for Christmas but didn’t have time for I have finally gotten around to: insulated cups.

This is “Paprika the Dragon” by Martha Ess, in Lizbeth #122, Caribbean,  in size 20.  There is one opaque black 8/0 bead and 12 opaque rainbow 10/0 beads.  The cup/glass is one that you can decorate an insert for. I don’t remember where I picked this one up at, but Hobby Lobby and Micheal’s have carried ones similar to it. 
The flowers, bird and butterfly were made when finishing off shuttles and are a mixture of threads.  I have a baggy (and a few other containers here and there) full of things like this that are great for putting on cards and letters.  And now, cups! Tatting Paprika was fun and didn’t take much time.
Here is the insert before I put it in the cup.
I was very pleased at how this came out. I gave this to one of my grandsons the other day and understand that it has been well used already.  He hasn’t drank out of anything else since he got it.  He says his “grandma made it and it has a dragon and flowers on it.”
Now I need to make one for the other grandson. 
I’m calling this #24 of my second 25 Motif Challenge.  I keep forgetting when I make something to count them!  
Let’s not forget the TIAS!  
This is Day 5. I have no idea what it could be.  Day 6 will be out Wednesday (Jan 25), maybe that will help in figuring out what it might be. 
“Boys are found everywhere on top of, underneath, inside of, climbing on, swinging from, running around or jumping to.  Mothers love them, little girls hate them, older sisters and brothers tolerate them, adults ignore them and Heaven protects them.” 
Alan Beck 

5 thoughts on “Tatting for little boys”

  1. WONDERFUL! This is such a great idea for the boys! I have great-nephews (who will be 5 and 2 this year) and I have also been trying to think what kind of tatting I could do for them. This is a PERFECT solution! And this cup looks very waterproof!

    There seem to be a number of choices of cups like these if you google 'acrylic embroidery blanks'. Several months ago I got a coffee mug for myself at the photo section of W-M, and have been trying to figure out what piece of tatting to put in it!

    My biggest problem for the boys' cups would be actually doing the tatting! I'd love to do the dragon, or Jane's airplane (without the window beads)! I'm glad their birthdays are a few months away, which gives me some time!

    I also love your new header! Excellent photo and display of your beautiful doily!!

  2. FAB new header! I love everything about it AND your brilliant brainstorms for tatted items boys will love.

    Your TIAS is coming along beautifully too. Isn't it amazing how Jane can keep us guessing year after year?

  3. This cup looks awesome and I would surely use it all of the time if someone made something like this for me.

    Growing up, my neighbor across the street was an accomplished crafter of many sorts… and she did tatting. I don't think I've ever really known anyone else that does it. How did you learn?

  4. Wow, those are so creative and unique. Great idea for boys! I never had the patience for tatting so it's even more amazing to me!

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