Something New

for the New Year.

Okay, I made it at the end of December, but just barely!

I had two shuttles loaded with Lizbeth Blue Ice #163 in size 40 and had a thought, basically on a variation of one of my other patterns.  “What if I tried this…” And this is what came about.  As you can tell by the Clover shuttles beside it, the star is pretty small made in size 40.  It didn’t take too long to make and looks good in that color, don’t you think? (I had a hard time photographing it. I tried it on a black background and it was way too bright so showed up fuzzy and stark white.)

And guess what?

I have it diagrammed already!  It didn’t take too long to do that, either.  I guess practice does make things easier. Check the sidebar, I’m going to be adding it there.  How soon depends on if I have trouble or not 🙂

I’m using the new blogger changes and still getting used to the way it looks.  The one thing I definitely like is how it adds the pictures.  It doesn’t add them all at the top anymore, where you have to move them down if you’ve started adding text.  Some of the rest of the changes are still debatable on whether I like them or not, though I suppose that eventually I’ll get used to them.

Have you heard?  Jane is having another TIAS (Tat It And See) starting on January 10.  Check it out here.  I did the one last year and it was a lot of fun. My piece from last year is actually hanging on the Christmas tree as an ornament – my grandsons thought it was pretty cool.

I started this Tatting Tea Tuesday with a cup of Zen green tea by TAZO, a gift from Tabatha.  (Thanks, it’s very good!)  I didn’t really tat yet but I did work on the diagram for the star – does that count?  I do plan on getting a little tatting in today sometime, somewhere.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to the New Year.

“Every day is a fresh beginning. Every morn is the world made new.”
Sarah Chauncey Woolsey

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