While looking for something else (I can’t remember what) I found some tatting I started several years ago. Okay, it looks like I started and pretty much finished, too, except for tying off the last ends and clipping all the tails I left. They’re obviously edgings and at least five years old – I have no idea what I made them for. They are not very long, about 9 inches when blocked like this, and 3 1/4 inches wide. I’m sure it’s DMC size 30 ecru as I used to do a lot of tatting in it and is one of my patterns. I used to make a lot of cloth runners with tatting at the ends but they were usually at least 12 inches wide but I suppose they could be for that. Maybe for two small wall hangings?
I’m not sure what they were for originally but I’m sure I can figure out something to do with them. A UFO (UnFinished Object) that is actually finished – how cool is that?
While surfing the web the other day I found a darling little purse idea. Over at MeiJo’s Joy she has a tutorial for making the cutest little pop-open purse. It really caught my eye because of the shape of the pieces the purse is made of – they’re shuttle-shaped! And she did such a cute job of decorating it. I keep thinking it would be so cute to hold shuttles.
Today for Tatting Tea Tuesday I enjoyed a cup (or two) of Apple Spice tea, very yummy. And I actually got a little tatting in!
‘Be who you are and say what you feel…
Because those that matter… don’t mind…
And those that mind… don’t matter.’
It looks like a gothic cathedral- gorgeous!!!
Very pretty edging! 🙂
This reminds me of the non-tatted lace I used on my wedding dress. Same sort of design. I'd love to know your pattern!
It is a pretty piece of tatting. I hope you can recall what you wanted to use it for.
Lovely edging, looks very cathedral like.