Doily Finished! And my giveaway

My Yes-U-Can doily is finished.
This has been a fun challenge, though I rushed through it. Looking over it now that it is complete I see several things I would need to do differently when/if I do this doily again. In the center ring I’d make the joining picots smaller, as well as the joining picots in the second round (open thread round). If those picots were smaller the third round of individual motifs would still need a little adjustment to keep them from being so stretched looking, but probably not as much as they need the way it is. I’m thinking another couple of stitches in the chains would help. The last round, even with the adjustments in the previous rounds, wouldn’t need to be tweaked much if any. Of course, it would be nice if I kept the picot count the same in each repeat on this round. I didn’t notice until I was blocking it that some of the chains have seven picots instead of the five they are supposed to have. I knew I had caught myself doing this but hadn’t realized I had missed fixing some – and so many! But I’m not changing it now. I have too many other things to do. I’ll just take some notes along with stitch counts and try to do better the next time.
Even though it has a lot of issues this doily was certainly a challenge, so I’m calling it #23 of my 25 motif challenge. #23? Oh, my, I didn’t realize I was so close to 25.
As I’ve been saying for the last several weeks, my blogaversary is next week. If you comment on this post you will be entered into the drawing. I do have several things picked out for the package but it’s not complete yet (I’m not telling, it’s a surprise!). I’ll announce the winner on my Tatting Tea Tuesday post October 25th, so comments need to be made before 8:00 AM CST (USA) the 25th to be included.
Today for Tatting Tea Tuesday I’m having a cup of hot apple cider, mmmm. We’ve had very fall-like weather here in Kansas the last several days, and what’s more fall-like than apple cider? I had bought the jug for a dinner this last weekend then forgot to take it with me, so I’ll have to drink the whole thing by myself (my husband doesn’t like it). Such a hardship! *grin*
“Don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t waste energy trying to cover up failure. Learn from your failures and go on to the next challenge. It’s okay to fail. If you’re not failing, you’re not growing.”

29 thoughts on “Doily Finished! And my giveaway”

  1. I like the doily. We are so hard on ourselves when we make an error but we are only human.

    I could go for a nice cup of Apple Cider…..Yummy

    Congrats on your blogaversary as well 🙂

  2. Love the colors of your yes-u-can doily…it came out very prettily! I now need to go start a pot of cider to simmer on the stove…sounds Yummy! Would love to be entered in your give away 🙂

  3. Wow, that's amazing. Love the colours and WELL DONE with the design. Please count me in for the giveaway – I love surprises even if somebody else wins I'd love to see what they get!!!! Tatting Tea Tuesday? Well today it's Tatting Wine Tuesday which is a break from my traditional tea!!!!

  4. I love the fall colors of your doily! I don't think I could do anything that big – not enough patience or know how yet. I do hope that will come with time because I'd love to have that.

    We've missed our blogaversery again – started blogging September first several years ago . . .

  5. I love the color you used in your doily. I always enjoy reading what you share on your blog, such a joy to read. We are having nice weather to, really cool today after the 90 degrees we had yesterday! Happy tatting~

  6. Well if these aren't the perfect colors for this time of year! It's so amazing to me that you've all been doing this by guessing the knot counts on that not-exactly-clear photo on the tin! And how quickly you've managed to finish it. Just wonderful! Believe me, I'd never know there were ANY 'mistakes'. It's just gorgeous to look at!

    Of course, enter me in your Blogaversary giveaway! I thought people were supposed to send gifts TO the honored guest, but in Blogland it seems to be the other way around!
    Sign me up!! 🙂

  7. Your doily turned out so beautifully!

    Yes, please enter me in your Blogaversary giveaway. I thought people were supposed to send gifts TO the honored guest, but in Blogland it seems to be the other way around!
    Sign me up!! 🙂

  8. Wanda, you did a fabulous job with the Yes-U-Can doily. I'm sure Kirstie will be happy to see another interpretation of her challenge to tatters.

    Happy Blogversary in advance! 🙂


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