If you were anywhere on the east coast today you might have. Most of you have probably already heard about the Virginia (USA) earthquake that happened today. IsDihara lives in Virginia, and she says she’s okay. If you’d like to read her experience today check out her blog here. I hope that everyone else out in tat-land are okay and not too shook up.
Did you know there was one in Colorado (USA) late last night as well? I don’t know anyone personally that felt it, but on the news tonight they spoke to a woman in Hutchinson, Kansas, that said she felt it. That’s an earthquake over 400 miles away. I guess she noticed because she was awake at 1:15 AM local time, and was on the fifth floor of an apartment building. As there aren’t many buildings that tall around here, she was one of the few people that had the right conditions to notice. I personally slept right through it 🙂
This Tatting Tea Tuesday evening I had a wonderful glass of iced tea, which really hit the spot. We had record-breaking temperatures today, 109 deg. F. I can do without breaking anymore records like that! I’m really looking forward to fall weather. I didn’t get any tatting done, though *sigh* I had to do some work around the house instead. We ran out clean plates (and glasses and cups and….)
“We learn geology the morning after the earthquake”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
This Tatting Tea Tuesday evening I had a wonderful glass of iced tea, which really hit the spot. We had record-breaking temperatures today, 109 deg. F. I can do without breaking anymore records like that! I’m really looking forward to fall weather. I didn’t get any tatting done, though *sigh* I had to do some work around the house instead. We ran out clean plates (and glasses and cups and….)
I did get a little tatting done over the last week, a few more snowflakes. And I think I’m getting carried away with those beads.

“We learn geology the morning after the earthquake”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
It's not unusual here in Pittsburgh PA to experience tremors from earthquakes. Fortunately they're not common on the East Coast!
DH and I have experienced at least three 'events' since the 1980s. That's why I suspected an earthquake yesterday when our 'soft' chairs (in different rooms) felt as though someone from behind us was rocking them gently back and forth, like someone goofing around! (We later learned that others had this same sensation.)
Although 'earthquake' did pop into my mind, for one instant I thought a larger animal (raccoon, groundhog) had gotten into the house and was trying to escape from under my chair! That idea freaked me out more than the tremor!
Sorry to hear you're having such a heat wave. We had a long stretch of 90 degrees/high humidity, and I just can't function in those conditions!
We definately felt it in Charlotte, NC. I was with a collegue chatting when the strangest thing happened….we began to rock back and forth. It took a bit to realize we experienced an earthquake…didn't see that one coming on the east coast.
You asked where I was when the earth moved………asleep, nothing moved here in the UK.
I am glad you are Ok and it was only the earth that moved. never heard of earthquakes in your part of the US, I thought they were always on the other side.
Wonderful sparkly snowflakes!
Fox : )
Thanks so much for mentioning me in your post today! So kind.
The Sprout and I were sitting in our mini-van outside of the grocery store when the earth moved. Can you believe we didn't feel a thing?
I later learned from a neighbor (California native) that it is common for folks in vehicles to be sufficiently "buffered" by the inflated tires and shock absorbers in their cars to not feel "minor" earthquakes. She said that anything less than a 7.0 on the west coast wouldn't even raise concern. Imagine!
That said, I was still disappointed that I didn't feel my first earthquake. But relieved that no damage or loss of life resulted from the event.
Sorry for the novel!
Your tatting looks FAB! I like the added sparkle. Tat on!
Oh such pretty snowflakes! 🙂