Isn’t this doll cute? This is called a “Wagon Train Doll”. It is made of strips of cloth (actually bias tape) in a couple of different lengths with knots tied in strategic places to form arms, body and skirt. You are supposed to trim the material ends evenly along the bottom and the ends of each arm but I didn’t do that (yet). The apron and cap are simply done with a few gathers and a little bit of elastic (to keep the cap on the head). You could buy dolls like this already made or in a kit that you could assemble yourself. This was a kit, which consists of the pre-cut material, the head already wrapped, the cap and apron, and directions to make it and future dolls if desired. I bought this in Silver Dollar City, Missouri for my granddaughter. Okay, she’s a little young for it yet (two months) but she might like to play with it in a year or two! I’m thinking it could be fun to make matching apron and caps for the doll and the granddaughter later on. Even with my poor sewing skills I think I could manage that.
Today for Tatting Tea Tuesday I was able to tat for about an hour, with the only interruptions being questions of those that happened by. I went with my mother-in-law to her physical therapy today and tatted while she did her exercises and what-ever. Almost everyone that came in asked or commented about what I was doing. And I still got a lot done! No tea though.
This last week I ordered some thread from Handy Hands for an interesting project. A friend of mine is doing a quilt with a muslin top. She chose a white-ish muslin instead of the more usual ecru colored type. She says it’s not a crazy quilt but is supposed to have some embellishments on it and has asked if I would make some tatting for it. As it’s not white-white material the white thread I have is a little too bright, so I ordered some Lizbeth in Natural, #602. I ordered one ball each of size 80, size 20 and size 10, and two balls of size 40 so she could have a choice of sizes but all be the same color.
Well, that was the plan.

I don’t know how well this will show up on your screen – I had quite a time getting a picture of it – but in real-life there is a bit of a problem. This stack of thread has DMC white size 20 on the bottom, then Lizbeth Natural size 10, Lizbeth Natural size 20, Lizbeth Natural size 40 and Lizbeth Natural size 80 on top. The Lizbeth size 20 is a different color entirely. I know that different lot sizes can be different shades, I expected that. But the size 20 looks more ecru than anything else. I emailed Barb Foster at Handy Hands about my problem, but there’s nothing to be done. They’ve lightened the dye in all the other sizes but haven’t had to order more of the #602 in size 20 yet, so this darker color is it. That’s why the ball of DMC. It’s white but it’s not as white as the Lizbeth, so it looks a little closer to the Natural of the other balls. If multiple size thread is needed I doubt they will be side-by-side, so this will probably work.
Oh, well. It’s a little disappointing but not tragic. I think I can live with what I got – and the other colors of thread I bought while I was making the order:-)
“While only a rag doll with a few red yarn strands for hair, she has been loved for generations. Parents enjoy the positive memories of their childhood and sharing those stories with their children.” Marianne Szymanski
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The wagon-train doll is very cute! What a simple idea for a little girl – nowadays the dolls are so real that there's not much room left for imagination. I'm sure your granddaughter will love it – in a year or two 🙂
The thread dilemma is weird – how the heck many "natural" colors can there be? A little like trying to find "white" paint! Good luck with the project anyway – I'm sure the varying shades will add some depth and interest that will be pleasing!
I have never heard of a wagon-train doll, she looks lovely and pretty, I am sure your granddaughter will love it in a few years time, brilliant idea to make her an apron and cap to match, I dont know if she will wear the cap but an apron will be usuful while cooking with grandma.
Good luck with your project. amazing how the colour white seems to be many shades.
I suppose once it's done, if there are no other colors, there is the option of Rit color remover and then dyeing it a similar neutral color so it's all the same. You're a wonderful friend, I can tell.
check out this site for additional Wagon Train Doll information: http://www.wagontraindolls.com. Very Helpful link