I’ve been tatting this week but most of what I’ve done I don’t want to show quite yet due to them being gifts that haven’t been given yet. Then there’s the tatting that hasn’t quite turned out the way I want it so has been started and restarted several times.
There is also a list of tatting I should be doing that I didn’t do this week. I have several things I have planned for friends and family that I have been somewhat behind on even starting. I give myself the excuse that it’s been a busy week, but I’ve found time to just laze around and not do anything, so I’m not sure that works even for me.
So instead of tatting today I’ll sit here with my cup of tea and contemplate the endeavors I plan for the next week.
“I know now why Franz Schubert never finished his Unfinished Symphony. He would have written more but the clock struck four, and everything stopped for tea.” John Baldrey
Looks lovely and I am glad you had a lovely Easter and now refreshed.
Everything stops for tea.
Don't feel guilty about having a tatting break every now and then!! And try to avoid that those "to do" lists drive you crazy. Relax and tat when you feel like it. Without pressure (even our own pressure) it works so much better. Love to see your new work!