We are back home again after a wonderful vacation. I wouldn’t have minded if it had lasted a little longer! We had a great time with our family and look forward to doing something like this again.
As the picture from last week showed, I’ve been working on a new doily. It started with a doodle and just kept growing. It’s made in DMC Cebelia size 30 ecru with two shuttles. This is it so far; it’s six inches across from point to point. I’m not sure about the last round. Does it look like it’s finished? Does it need another round? Is this round how I want it to be?
And now for the vacation! Okay, one picture – or maybe
two. Our first destination was Nashville, TN. Our SIL really wanted to stop here and all of us thought it would be fun. We spent the morning in the Country Music Hall of Fame. So this is me, with shuttles in hand, in the entry hall. This is after we went through the museum and, obviously, after we had gone to the souvenir shop ; )Mostly my husband and I bought gifts for family but I did find a little something for myself. I did leave home with the glass case for carrying a working project in but I had couple of shuttles to use for my ‘documentary’ pictures. I didn’t want to mess up on a nice project just for pictures! So I thought this little change purse would work great with this in mind.
This worked great! There was nothing to fall out unexpectedly and I knew exactly what I’d get when I reached inside. And I have a little something to keep small take-along projects in that will always remind me of our 2010 family vacation.
There will be more vacation pictures next week. And the results of my decision of what, if anything, I take to the fair.
Your doily is gorgeous! I like it just the way it is – it looks finished to me.
Good luck on your fair choices. I will be lucky to finish my doily for fair entry – I'm so slow!
Lovely doily. Good luck wishes for the fair!
That hat is looking mighty fine!
Fox : )
The doily? Also looking very good!
Enter the doily immediately! Indeed it looks finished, and what a beautiful design!
Glad you had a great trip, and it's always fun to see a photo of someone with a tatting shuttle in an outdoor setting! I'm sure the passersby wondered what you were doing! LOL!
The doily is beautiful.
Another round might spoil it.
A very beautiful design. I would not add another round, it is already perfect!
Good luck with your beautiful doily.
Spectacular doily! Enter it in the fair as is. It looks 'finished', tho' I am curious what you have in mind for another row. Lovely work!
Thanks, Fox, and thanks! I wore the hat a lot!
Thank you, Suztats.
I keep going back and forth on whether I think it's done. It's done enough for the fair anyway! Good luck getting your doily done for the fair, Happy Bluebird. If not this year there's next year 😉
Thank you, Kathy. It came out much better than I imagined it would.
I did enjoy pulling out my tatting in different places on our vacation. I'll be posting more pics in the weeks to come.*warning!*
So glad you like it Iris. I might have to frame it later, it looks pretty good on that background.
You might be right Vanessa. Doesn't mean I might not try something later… Thanks for stopping by.
Thank you, Shirl.
Thank you, Randi. I'm curious to know what I'd come up with, too! Only time will tell.
Beautiful doiley.