Yes, I’ve been lazy. Not really that busy, just lazy. I’ve done a little tatting but not much. I made this on a cabone ring, just messing around. I have no plans for this, I was just seeing what I could come up with.
I did do a little work on the doily. I’ve counted stitches several times so I know the count is correct but it has to be blocked to lay out flat. I’ve gone ahead with it the way the original is made but I’m making adjustments to the written pattern, making a few changes to it so it will lay better right off the shuttle.
It looks okay but I designed this quite a few years ago and have no memory of issues that I had with it when it was done. Also, I didn’t know then a lot of what I know now. There are several things I would do differently with it. It would probably come out looking similar, but I think it would be a lot less work after the tatting is done.
I had a nice, quiet Memorial Day weekend, not going anywhere or doing anything. My husband volunteered to work all three days so I was by myself in the evenings. He also worked slightly different hours which really messed up the days. We had planned to go to western Kansas to visit the cemeteries out there but that didn’t happen. We didn’t visit any cemeteries at all. I’m hoping another weekend yet this summer we’ll make it. Monday afternoon I went over to our daughters’ house for supper and spent the evening. It was a very pleasant time, though I wish my husband could have been there, too. Oh, well, our vacation is coming up soon, when we will have a little more time to enjoy our time together without going to work. At least for a little while.
I think I’ll have another cup of tea and see if I can get a little more done on the doily. May you enjoy your tea and tatting for another week.
I have been watching with great antiicipation your progress on this doily project. It is coming along so beautifully!
Everyone needs some quiet time now and again, so it is so nice you got some before the heat and craziness of the summer sets in.
Thank you for joining in the Tatting Tea Tuesday fun. I always look forward to reading your posts.
Isn't it great that we have learned more and can revise our patterns in our lifetime? I think it sucks that so many vintage patterns are under someone's copyright that won't be updated and used by modern tatters. Lazy…I've been doing that too. My blood pressure med has made me lazy but I'm beginning to get used to it and move around a little more. LOL!
I don't know, Isdihara, it might look good but I'm not liking the way it's working up. We'll see. And who wouldn't want to join friends for a cup of tea?
Oh, yes, Gina, I'm so glad that I can learn from my mistakes, or at least just learn! And some of those old patterns would be so cool to do if they were just re-written. I've gotten used to my blood pressure medicine just have a few other issues. But lazy is just too easy to get into!