This was supposed to be a Tatting Tea Tuesday post, but as you can see, I’m a little late. I had the picture downloaded and everything but had not typed anything. This way I could finish the post during break at work. Good idea, right? Yeah, good idea until I back space and delete the picture! And didn’t think fast enough to save it. So the post became late, again.
I didn’t get a chance to tat yesterday, anyway. And no tea, either. We had several errands to run before work so left the house early. It turned out to be a nice day, though windy. After our errands we had a bit of time with nothing to do before we needed to be a work. So we went for ice cream! It was a very pleasant shop we stopped at, backed up to an inner city lake. There were Canada geese, with babies! We counted nine baby geese wandering along with their parents. Very fun to watch. I wished I had my camera with me, but I had taken it out of my purse a few days ago.
Today is a lovely day, too. We don’t have many days that are so pretty, with the temperature in the 70’s, very little wind and lots of sun. Wonderful! So I’ll enjoy the wonderful weather as long as it lasts and try getting a little tatting done, too. Maybe I’ll post on Tuesday next week. Wouldn’t that be a surprise?