What do you think of this heart? Does some of it look familiar? If you look closely at the center you can see “Heart’s Desire” from Susan Fuller. I’m not sure what I was thinking when I did this. I had taken thread to make “Heart’s Desire” with me when I knew I’d be sitting waiting for awhile. I still had it with me that evening when I had to wait on my husband after work. As I had time on my hands and the heart in front of me and nothing better to do, I started making it a little bigger. I was thinking if it was just a little bigger it would be a small doily and a nice gift. Let’s just say it was challenging to make another round in the spirit of the original heart. This is not exactly how I wanted it to come out, but at a certain point I just wanted to finish it.
I’m not sure what I think about this heart. Did I ruin it? I really like the shape of the original, and this doesn’t keep quite to that. I’m thinking that the sides towards the bottom need a little work. I’m not going to take it apart to change it, but maybe I’ll try again sometime and make a few adjustments. One way or another, it was a challenge, so I’m making this number five of my 2nd 25 Motif Challenge.
Talking of challenges, I’ve been making Jane Eboral’s TIAS. No pictures to show and I’m a little behind. I definitely have to be awake a little longer than I have been before I work on it. It’s not that hard, but I’m making it hard! I still have absolutely no clue what it will be. Check out how everyone is doing here. Maybe one of you can figure out where she’s heading with this : )
I’ve gotten several comments on the picture in my last post, the one with the edging. A few people have indicated they would like the pattern. Okay, you asked, I give in. It was made in DMC white size 10 several years ago. This is a very simple pattern that, I think, is mine. If anyone has seen it before somewhere else I’ll be glad to give credit where it belongs. I make up a lot of edgings and rarely use a pattern from someone else (usually because I’m starting it without a pattern book around and/or because I can’t find one that fits what I have in mind) so I probably designed this one, too. Note that the picots are generous, which was intentional. You are welcome to make them any size you want.
For My Sweetheart Edging
2 Shuttles
Sht1 R 3-5-5-3. RW
Ch 5-3-3-5. RW
R 3-5-5-3. RW
Ch 5+3-3-3-3-3 to 1st p of prev ch. DNRW SS (Switch shuttles)
Sht2 R 3-5-5-3. DNRW SS
Sht1 Ch 3-3-3-3-3-5. RW
R 3-5+5-3 to 2nd p of prev Sht1 R. RW
Ch 5+3-3-5 to 1st p of prev Ch
Repeat from start for desired length.
Good luck! As always, beware of mistakes lurking! I would love to hear from anyone that makes this. And do let me know if you find any of those lurking mistakes. Nasty critters, those. I’ll take a broom to ’em and chase ’em off!
P.S. Thanks TattingChic for correcting me on the designer of “Heart’s Desire”. My pattern has Georgia Seitz web address at the bottom – my oops and my apologies to Susan Fuller.
Your round two for Heart's Desire is absolutely gorgeous and it is definitely in the spirit of the original. Very romantic. If you decide you want to share your pattern, I definitely want to tat it. I love the color you used, too.
That edging is way too cute! It would look cute on a set of napkins or table topper in a little country kitchen.
The additional round you've added to Susan Fuller's "Heart's Desire" is lovely!
That edging is darling.
I like the changes to the heart! You did a fine job of making it larger.
Thanks for sharing the pattern for the edging. It's a unique one that I'll have to try.
Lovely heart !!! 🙂
My 2¢ on your heart modification: I love the top 2/3 — it really does follow the spirit of Susan Fuller's design. So I see what you mean about the bottom third not being quite right. That said, I still like the bottom and think that if you were to adjust it, it would only require small tweaks.
The only suggestion I would make (because I'm just a git about these things…) is to give the heart more "cleavage" at the top so the curves are more pronounced. But even if you don't, it is a lovely, lovely heart.
And I will be trying the edging. So expect a report back!
You did a wonderful job on the heart. I recognized it immediately from the thumbnail and thought that it looked a bit different, but it wasn't till I read your blog that I realized what you had done! Definitely, this indicates you have captured the spirit of 'Heart's Desire'!
The edging is sweet. I just might try it on a pair of baby socks. Thanks for posting it.
I'll let you know if and when I get the socks actually tatted! LOL!
Fox : )
I like the heart you came up with! I can see a little tweaking to make the lower part a bit more narrow, but you did a great job on the fly.
And I really like the edging – I might have to try that one!
I recognised Hearts Desire immediately…I should do I make it so often…not sure about your additions.
Love the edging that you designed, thanks.
cool blog,期待更新.........................