‘Sunflower’ doily

Earlier this year I designed a small doily that I call Arches over Arches. For my blogoversary giveaway I made the doily in Lizbeth Falling Leaves size 20. This thread has such a wonderful fall look. I was then inspired to put a brown center in it.

And this is how it turned out.
Doesn’t it remind you of a sunflower?

I hadn’t posted this earlier because I wanted to make sure the winner of my giveaway – Trayna – had received it before I shared it here. It was hard to wait! I really like how this turned out : )

And now fall is almost over and it’s time to think of Christmas and winter weather.
Today is supposed to be the last really nice day for awhile. Sunny, not too windy and pleasant temperatures. After today the temperatures will return to a more normal range – in the 40’s – so we are planning to put out our Christmas lights this morning. Not that we put out a lot of lights, but I would much rather do this when the weather is mild and then enjoy them when it’s cold and snowy!

And then it’s back to tatting snowflakes. Between the colder weather and the Christmas lights, it should really get me feeling festive!

13 thoughts on “‘Sunflower’ doily”

  1. The doiley was gorgeous in white but in these colour its stupendous. Very sunflowerish.
    Are you going to share the pattern with us…pretty please from all of us.

  2. That is JUST BEAUTIFUL!! It does remind me a bit of a sunflower, but to me it really looks allot like a dahlia. The arches look like layers and layers of petals. I would have been bursting at the seams to show a piece like that, designed by myself – you must have incredible restraint!

    🙂 Ann

  3. Thank you, Nancy.

    It's kind of like the snowflake, Tatskool, I haven't written down the pattern completely yet! I've almost got it, but not quite. I'm so glad you like it.

    Sewmuchfun4,it was very hard not to share! I was very happy with the results.

    Thanks, Steph! The lights made it up, hope yours do, too.

  4. If you think it looks good in the picture you should see it in the flesh – it is truly STUNNING & I can't thank Wanda enough for ALL the stupendous goodies in the giveaway – I intend to blog about them all in the next few days after I have finished my Secret Santa's!

  5. Wow, that new design is an eye-poppin, jaw-droppin' stunner! Gotta say, I would not have been able to contain myself during the wait.

    Waiting patiently for pattern instructions. Would you consider posting pattern in small stages, like a tat-a-long? I'd tune in every single day! (But then, I do most days anyway.)

    Absolutely fabulous job!

  6. I'm glad you like it, Fox!

    I'm glad it arrived safely, Trayna! That's the one thing I was worried about.

    Thank you, Arty Lady!

    I think it looks like some kind of flower, anyway! Thank you Cindy.

    It was hard to wait! I'll see what I can do with the pattern – maybe a little at a time is the way to go. Thanks, IsDihara!

  7. Did you ever finish putting this stunning doily into a written pattern? I’d be happy to pay for it if you did. I want to make a suncatcher with it, but leave the center open to dangle a prism. Do you recall what the outside diameter was?

    1. No, I never finished writing it out. I like your idea, I think it would work great for that. I don’t remember the outside diameter but the inside, the brown, was close to 1 1/2 inches to 2 inches across. You have inspired me to work on it. I could send the pattern to you when I’m done and you could test tat it for me if you want. It is not a hard pattern and shouldn’t take long. I’m glad you like it, thanks for letting me know.

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