On my trip to Washington, DC I had to change planes at O’Hare airport in Chicago. I’d never been there before. I was fortunate to have enough time to get from one terminal to the other without rushing. I just followed the signs and had no trouble finding the other gate.
It’s amazing what you’ll find in airports. I certainly didn’t expect what I saw. And I just had to take a picture.

This was by the gift kiosk for the museum. Pretty cool, isn’t it? It was a surprise to me!
I’ve gotten very little tatted this week. I’ve been chasing a little boy for a week – makes it a little hard to tat! I have taken a little time during his naps and such to get a little work done but nothing that takes a lot of concentration in case I have to put it down suddenly. I’ll take some pictures in the next day or so of what I’ve gotten done and post later.
The sun has finally come out here in DC, and the temperatures are supposed to be a little warmer, too. We’re hoping to go to park today. Oh, boy, that will be fun!