Look what I got!

See what came the other day?
A box of Lizbeth thread from Handy Hands! Whoopee!

This is all size 20, mostly solid colors. To coordinate with some of the variegated colors that I bought last time. Don’t they just look yummy?

I did get a couple of variegated threads, like Western Sunset. It sounded so pretty I just had to get some. Not sure what I’ll make with it, but I’m sure I’ll figure something out.

Lizbeth has just wonderful colors. I usually buy just one or two balls at a time, but if you have to pay for shipping, you might as well buy enough to get free shipping, don’t you think?

Now I’m going to have a hard time deciding which color to use first! I did have a thought, though – maybe I should make samples with each of the colors. I’d have a thread and a size sample and I’d get to use all of the colors soon! Okay, I’d have to wrap shuttles a lot, but I’m sure I could figure out just how much each sample takes and only wrap that much. Hmm, I’ll definitely have to think on that.

The candle on the table is “Pumpkin Spice” and it smells wonderful! It makes the house smell sooo good. It is an inspiration to use those fall colored threads that I just bought – like I need any more incentive!

Don’t forget to leave a comment if you want to enter my giveaway. One more week!

And check out LadyShuttleMakers giveaway, too. She’s also shared pictures of her “Girl Cave” – I want one!

7 thoughts on “Look what I got!”

  1. Wowee, Wanda! That's some stash! Fantastic! You are going to have so much fun – but how do you ever decide where to begin! Fox : ))

  2. Super present to yourself. 🙂 Free shipping is always a great excuse to buy more too. I haven't tried Lizbeth yet. Actually haven't tatted in so long I probably forgot how to do it. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

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