I happened across a blog by isdihara, who has a neat idea – Tatting Tea Tuesday! A great excuse to pick up your tatting at least for a little while if you need one. So I thought I might try it.
I didn’t have a lot of time, and the tea tasted suspiciously like coffee (I do like tea but didn’t take the time to make it!! Shame on me!!) but I did get started on an angel. I’m actually trying to empty the shuttles to use for another project, and something like this is much more fun than un-winding a shuttle without tatting to show for it.
So, here is the start of the angel. I’m hoping she doesn’t have to wait until next Tuesday to get her wings – to say nothing of the rest of her!
Love the pink thread! 🙂
I do, too, but it's actually ecru! I don't know how it showed up as pink! My daughters would love it!
Thanks for the shout out on your blog!
And another big thank you for trying Tatting Tea Tuesday. "Communi-tea" is great, even if it tastes suspiciously like coffee (or Diet Coke) LOL!
Can't wait to see your finished angel. Will she have a name?
Thanks for stopping by Isdihara. It's nice to tat with friends! No, I hadn't planned on naming the angel, but you never know!