This hasn’t been a good week at all! My mother went to the hospital last Sunday and got out Tuesday, my husband’s mother went to the hospital Tuesday and is still there, and then my dad was admitted to the hospital early this morning. I’m hoping that three is enough and that no-one else has to be hospitalized. Enough already!
None of them has turned out to be serious, which is a good thing in all of this. But it makes life very interesting to try and get to everyone and keep up with how they’re doing. And my husband and I are working nine hours days five days a week and eight hours both Saturday and Sunday. Somewhere in all of this I think I need a nap!
Before all of this came about I did get a little tatting done. I went to a meeting of Hook Yarn and Needle/Fiber Options a week ago. It is through the county extension office and meets once a month. They were doing some needle tatting but I took my shuttles and made “Heart’s Desire” in DMC variegated blue size 8 Pearle. For doing this completely in the midst of several conversations and distractions, I think it turned out very well. I’m counting it as #15 of the 25 Motif Challenge.
They asked me if I’d like to show them how to shuttle tat next month. I agreed, but I’m thinking I will need to give them contact information in case any of them are really interested: the group takes a three month break in the summer! I’m willing to meet with them individually or in a small group elsewhere to help any that want to really learn. I’m planning on making a handout with Internet addresses so they have incentives and support if they want it. I’m also thinking of putting together a DVD of me tatting, both chain and ring. We’ll see if I have time to do this between hospital visits!
My goodness! That’s more than enough parental hospitalizations in one week! GOSH! I hope everyone is faring well.
Your heart is lovely! 🙂
I am sorry you had such a yucky week. It’s great that you have people to teach tatting to.
Let’s hope this coming week is a much better one.
Your heart is lovely.
Wanda, What a lovely Heart’s Desire. Looks so pretty in that thread. Hope all is getting back to norman after your difficult week.
Fox : )
Heavens, what a week! I know how stressful it must have been. Lovely tatting, though. Funny how you managed to squeeze in time for tatting. Have to do something to relax or you’ll explode! Hope this week turns out better for you!
One of my very favortie hearts! I hope tatting it soothed your stressful week. May all recover and soon be back to normal so you can be too!
Thanks, all of you, for you kind words. I’ve been reading your comments but have been a little distracted and busy to respond.
Wow, yours is so neat, was that your first try at the pattern?
Especially as size 8 shows all the mistakes!
Thanks for you compliment on my effort.
Thanks, Snowy, and yes, that was my first try at it. It was a lot of fun to make.